Bodyswaps A pilot study of virtual learning - navigating angry conversations
A pilot study of the virtual reality communications skills training module 'managing angry conversations'.
Project Stage Analysis and Write Up
Project Start Date 02/02/2024
Project End Date 01/10/2024
BRCA Direct 2 BRCA-DIRECT 2: SBRI (Small Business Project Initiative) Project
Following on from the successful BRCA DIRECT trial, NHS England has provided funding to implement the BRCA DIRECT digital pathway in 10-20 centres in England over an 18 month period.
Project Stage Analysis and Write Up
Project Start Date 01/02/2023
Project End Date continuing
CHANGES Development of a psychoeducational digital intervention to support coping with cancer and unintentional weight loss for patients and caregivers
Development and preliminary evaluation of a web based intervention for people with cancer and unintentional weight loss and their informal carers.
Project Stage Active
Project Start Date 01/02/2024
Project End Date 30/04/2025
This project will develop an internationally applicable curriculum for quality of life (QoL) in cancer clinical trials and clinical practice.
Project Stage Active
Project Start Date 19/06/2024
Project End Date continuing
I-Prehab Inclusive prehab for cancer patients
I-Prehab will develop a toolkit to support cancer workers to raise awareness of and encourage participation in prehabilitation, particularly with people from socially deprived and ethnically minoritised communities.
Project Stage Active
Project Start Date 01/04/2023
Project End Date 31/01/2026
IMPARTER 4 IMproving PAtient undeRstanding of GEP TEst Results: Phase 4
Examines whether a short (8 min) film about Gene Expression Profiling (GEP) tests used in breast cancer (Oncotype DX® or Prosigna) helps improve patients‘ knowledge.
Project Stage Analysis and Write Up
Project Start Date 01/02/2022
Project End Date 31/01/2024
LORIS A Phase III trial of surgery versus active monitoring for LOw RISk DCIS
A phase III trial of surgery versus active monitoring for Low Risk DCIS (LORIS), incorporating a two year feasibility study. The aim of the main trial is to determine whether women with newly diagnosed low risk DCIS can safely avoid surgery, without detriment to their psychological well-being and can those patients who do require surgery be identified by pathological and radiological criteria.
Project Stage In follow-up
Project Start Date 01/07/2014
Project End Date 31/03/2025
POSNOC POsitive Sentinel NOde: adjuvant therapy alone versus adjuvant therapy plus Clearance or axillary radiotherapy
A randomised controlled trial of axillary treatment in women with early stage breast cancer who have metastases in one or two sentinel nodes. The aim of this trial is to determine whether axillary clearance or radiotherapy can be safely avoided in women receiving chemotherapy and/or hormone therapy following surgery for early stage breast cancer. The trial also explores how aspects of QoL and psychological well-being are affected by fear of cancer recurrence and long term side effects of axillary treatment.
Project Stage In follow-up
Project Start Date 01/01/2014
Project End Date 31/07/2026
PRRS - additional development of the jobs and career subscale Patient Roles and Responsibilities Scale (PRRS) - further development of the jobs and careers subscale
A cognitive interview study to refine the items in the PRRS jobs and career subscale
Project Stage Analysis and Write Up
Project Start Date 30/11/2023
Project End Date 29/02/2024
PUMMaCE Patient Understanding of Multiple Myeloma and Communication Experiences
This online survey aims to gather information from people living with multiple myeloma about their understanding of the condition and the words and phrases used to describe their diagnosis, treatment and support. The survey explores what doctors and nurses said or did that helped or hindered understanding, and what family or friends have said or done that was helpful or not so helpful.
Project Stage In setup
Project Start Date 06/01/2025
Project End Date 31/03/2025
Q-ABC Quality of Life After Bladder Cancer (Q-ABC): A comparison of patient related outcomes following radical surgery or radiotherapy
The aim of the Q-ABC study is to address the current paucity of information available to patients and clinicians facing treatment decisions where increasingly evidence is showing surgery and radiotherapy can provide equivalent overall survival.
Project Stage In follow-up
Project Start Date 01/10/2018
Project End Date 30/09/2024
REDUCe2 Palliative Long-term Abdominal Drains versus Repeated Drainage in Untreatable Cirrhosis: A Randomised Controlled Trial
RCT looking at HRQoL with two kinds of ascetic drains in untreatable cirrhosis patients. The study will compare an alternative intervention, insertion of a palliative tunnelled long-term abdominal drain (Group 1 intervention - LTAD), to standard of care large volume paracentesis (Group 2 intervention - LVP) in the management of refractory ascites.
Project Stage Recruiting
Project Start Date 01/08/2022
Project End Date 08/09/2026
TARGET2 Evaluation Talking About Risk in the context of Genomic profiling Tests - Workshops Evaluation
Evaluation of a new series of TARGET workshops commisioned by Exact Sciences.
Project Stage Recruiting
Project Start Date 01/05/2024
Project End Date 30/04/2025
TRUSTING AZ Workshops 2025 Evaluation Evaluation of the 2025 AstraZeneca TRUSTING workshops
Evaluation of a series of workshops around the UK building on the previous workshops but incorporating new materials covering extra topics and scenarios.
Project Stage Recruiting
Project Start Date 01/08/2024
Project End Date 31/03/2025