SHORE-C Questionnaires

DMD - Diarrhoea Management Diary logo
DMD - Diarrhoea Management Diary
The primary aim of the DMD is to capture ways in which patients might attempt to manage or control the treatment related diarrhoea (TRD) that they experience when taking medicines prescribed for conditions such as cancer. The DMD could be used to assist with the clinical evaluation of supportive TRD strategies as part of the clinical record for individual patients or it could be employed within research trials testing new drugs and/or management approaches.
FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire logo
FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire
Sexual activity is an important dimension of quality of life, therefore it is important to be able to assess the impact that treatments may have on sexual functioning so that patients can be warned of any possible side effects and interventions offered to ameliorate these. Most of the available sexual functioning questionnaires are designed specifically to investigate sexual dysfunction. These were deemed unnecessarily explicit for the purposes of assessing the impact of medical treatments. The sexual activity questionnaire was developed as a self-report questionnaire which would be quick to complete and acceptable to the majority of women.
PRRS - Patient Roles and Responsibilities Scale logo
PRRS - Patient Roles and Responsibilities Scale
The PRRS was developed to enable a broader evaluation of the impact of cancer and its treatment for patients, measuring 'real world' roles and responsibilities such as caring for others, finances and employment.  
The PRRS has three core subscales: responsibilities and social life, family wellbeing and financial wellbeing. A standalone subscale - jobs and career, is completed only by people who are currently employed.  
The PRRS is not restricted to use in any specific type or stage of cancer.
CRRS - Caregiver Roles and Responsibilities Scale logo
CRRS - Caregiver Roles and Responsibilities Scale
The CRRS is an instrument designed for informal caregivers to patients with cancer. The term informal in this context refers to unpaid; i.e. the care they provide is not their paid employment. The term caregiver in this context refers to someone who provides emotional and/or practical and/or personal care to the patient.
The CRRS measures caregiver wellbeing across five core subscales: support and impact; lifestyle; emotional health and wellbeing; self-care and financial wellbeing. A standalone subscale - jobs and career, is completed only by people who are currently employed.
The CRRS is not restricted to use in any specific type or stage of cancer.
FACT-ES - Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Endocrine Symptoms logo
FACT-ES - Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Endocrine Symptoms
An 18 item endocrine subscale (ES) to accompany a standardised breast cancer quality of life measure, the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy (FACT-B), to measure the side effects and putative benefits of hormonal treatments given in breast cancer.
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