Following on from the successful pilot of BRCA DIRECT (brca direct pilot study), NHS England provided funding to implement the BRCA DIRECT application in 10-20 centres in England over an 18 month period.
All patients newly diagnosed with breast cancer are offered a BRCA test as standard of care via a digital 'clinician lite' pathway.
SHORE-C is involved in the project's inclusivity assessment which aims to identify the organisational and patient-level challenges in mainstream genetic testing for breast cancer using the BRCA-DIRECT platform. A series of interviews will be conducted with clinicians from sites involved in the BRCA-DIRECT main trial or implementation.
There are three areas for exploration:
(1) HCPs' general views on breast cancer genetic testing and their perceptions about access to genetic testing following a breast cancer diagnosis.
(2) Benefits and challenges of mainstream genetic testing in a breast cancer setting: understanding the potential problems on a patient-level and organisational-level.
(3) Reflections on the BRCA-DIRECT trial: understanding the perceived barriers in the BRCA-DIRECT trial, in particular with regards to inclusivity and access to the platform.
In addition, SHORE-C will conduct interviews or focus groups with 8 - 10 patient representatives from groups identified in the BRCA-DIRECT main trial as under-identified or under-served.
The information gathered from the project will be used to inform implementation of this digital platform.
Analysis and Write Up