Project: GENERAL publications etc

Sharon F. McGee, Mark Clemons, Gregory Pond, Jean-Michel Caudrelier, Michelle Liu, Mashari Jemaan Alzahrani, ... Jean-Marc Bourque (2024) A Randomized Trial Comparing Concurrent versus Sequential Radiation and Endocrine Therapy in Early-Stage, Hormone-Responsive Breast Cancer. Current Oncology; 31 (8) 4531-4545 Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/08/2024

Project: NutriCC

Abedin K, Lean QY & Wheelwright S. (2024) Nutritional self-management in colorectal cancer patients and survivors: A scoping review. Colorectal Disease. 2024; 00: 1-18. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/07/2024

Project: TRUSTING Workshops 2022-23 Evaluation

Jenkins V, Habibi R, Hall V, Leonard P, Lawn A, Naik J,...Fallowfield L. (2024) Roll-out of an educational workshop to improve knowledge and self-confidence of healthcare professionals engaged in mainstreaming of breast cancer genetics. PLoS ONE 19(7): e0307301. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/07/2024

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fatima Cardoso, Shani Paluch-Shimon, Eva Schumacher-Wulf, Leonor Matos, Karen Gelmon, Matti S. Aapro, ... Eric P. Winer (2024). 6th and 7th International consensus guidelines for the management of advanced breast cancer (ABC guidelines 6 and 7). The Breast; 76: 1-66 Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/06/2024

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Macbeth F, Fallowfield L. (2024) A prospective multicentre cohort study of colorectal lung metastasectomy with a nested randomized controlled trial: the key points from the pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer study. European Journal of Cardiothoracic Surgery; 65 (6): ezae216. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/06/2024

Project: I-Prehab

Watts T, Courtier N, Fry S, Gale N, Gillen E, McCutchan G,... Hopkinson, J. (2024). Access, acceptance and adherence to cancer prehabilitation: a mixed-methods systematic review. J Cancer Surviv. Find it online here

Publication Date: 06/05/2024

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Burstein H, DeMichele A, Fallowfield L, Somerfield M, & Henry NL. (2024). Endocrine and Targeted Therapy for Hormone Receptor-Positive, Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 - Negative Metastatic Breast Cancer - Capivasertib-Fulvestrant: ASCO Rapid Recommendation Update. Journal of Clinical Oncology; Volume 42: 1450-1455 Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/04/2024

Project: CANAPE

Wheelwright SJ, Russ S, Mold F, Armes J & Harder H (2024) Symptomatic presentation of cancer in primary care: a scoping review of patients' experiences and needs during the cancer diagnostic pathway. BMJ Open; 14:e076527. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/03/2024

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Palmieri C, Linden H, Birrell SN, Wheelwright S, Lim E, Schwartzberg LS ... B. Overmoyer (2024). Activity and safety of enobosarm, a novel, oral, selective androgen receptor modulator, in androgen receptor-positive, oestrogen receptor-positive, and HER2-negative advanced breast cancer (Study G200802): a randomised, open-label, multicentre, multinational, parallel design, phase 2 trial. The Lancet Oncology. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/02/2024

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, Psychosocial Issues in Breast Cancer, Chapter 19 in Breast Surgery, Seventh Edition: pages 218-222

Publication Date: 01/01/2024

Project: UKCTOCS

Dilley J, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Burnell M, Manchanda R, Kalsi J, ... & Menon U. (2023). Ovarian cancer symptoms in pre-clinical invasive epithelial ovarian cancer-An exploratory analysis nested within the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). Gynecologic Oncology; 179: 123-130. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/11/2023

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Macbeth F, Fallowfield L, Treasure E, Ahmad I, Zheng Y, & Treasure T. (2023). Removal or ablation of asymptomatic lung metastases should be reconsidered. BMJ; 383. Find it online here

Publication Date: 09/11/2023


Jenkins V, Starkings R, Teoh M, May S, Bloomfield D, Zammit C, ... & Matthews L. (2023). Patients' views and experiences on the supported self-management/patient-initiated follow up pathway for breast cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer; 31(12): 658. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/10/2023

Project: LORIS

Wheelwright S, Matthews L, Jenkins V, May S, Rea D, Fairbrother P, Gaunt C, Young J, Pirrie S, Wallis M G, Fallowfield L, on behalf of the LORIS Trial Management Group (2023). Recruiting women with ductal carcinoma in situ to a randomised controlled trial: lessons from the LORIS study. Trials; 24(1): 670. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/10/2023

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Davies S, & Wheelwright S. (2023) The impact of jejunostomy feeding on nutritional outcomes after oesophagectomy. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; 2023: 1- 11. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/10/2023


Jenkins V, Matthews L, Solis-Trapala I, Gage H, May S, Williams P, ... & Teoh M. (2023). Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC): quality of life and service use results. Supportive Care in Cancer; 31: 570 Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/09/2023

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Ryan A, Singh N, Manchanda R, ... & Parmar M K. (2023). Tumour stage, treatment, and survival of women with high-grade serous tubo-ovarian cancer in UKCTOCS: an exploratory analysis of a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet Oncology; 24(9): 1018-1028. Find it online here

Publication Date: 29/08/2023

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Apostolidou S, Ryan A, Kalsi J K, Singh N, Fallowfield L, ..., UKCTOCS team. (2023). Insights from UKCTOCS for design, conduct and analyses of large randomised controlled trials. Health Technology Assessment: 1-38 Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/08/2023

Project: DIAMOND Phase 1-4

Wheelwright S, Maunsell R, Taylor S, Drinkwater N, Erridge C, Foster C, ... & White S. (2023). Development of 'gastrostomy tube - is it for me?', a web-based patient decision aid for people living with motor neurone disease considering having a gastrostomy tube placed. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration; 24 (7-8): 605-613. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/07/2023

Project: LIMBER

Fallowfield L, Starkings R, Palmieri C, Tait, A, Stephen L, May S, ... & Jenkins V. (2023). Living with metastatic breast cancer (LIMBER): experiences, quality of life, gaps in information, care and support of patients in the UK. Supportive Care in Cancer; 31(8): 459. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/07/2023

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Publication Date: 03/07/2023

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Ryan A, Kalsi J K, Singh N, ... & Jacobs I J. (2023). Mortality impact, risks, and benefits of general population screening for ovarian cancer: the UKCTOCS randomised controlled trial. Health Technology Assessment; 11: 1-81. Find it online here

Publication Date: 31/05/2023

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Myall M, Taylor S, Wheelwright S, & Lund S. (2023). Domestic Abuse in the Context of Life-Limiting Illness: A Systematic Scoping Review. Health & Social Care in the Community; 2023. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/04/2023

Project: DIAMOND Phase 1-4

Taylor S, Wheelwright S, and White S. (2023) The DiAMoND Study: Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube. Complete Nutrition; 22 (9): 28-30. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/01/2023

Project: GENERAL publications etc

McCracken J, Wheelwright S, Hon Y, & Shaw C. (2022) Experience, decision-making and information needs around parenteral nutrition among people with advanced cancer, and their carers: A scoping review. Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics; 36(2): 453-467. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/10/2022

Project: BRCA Direct

Torr B, Jones C, Choi S, Allen S, Kavanaugh G, Hamill M, ... & Turnbull C. (2022). A digital pathway for genetic testing in UK NHS patients with cancer: BRCA-DIRECT randomised study internal pilot. Journal of Medical Genetics; 59(12): 1179-1188. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/07/2022

Project: TRUSTING Workshops 2020-21 Evaluation

Fallowfield L, Solis-Trapala I, Starkings R, May S, Matthews L, Eccles D, ... & Jenkins V. (2022). Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (TRUSTING): development and evaluation of an educational programme for healthcare professionals about BRCA1 & BRCA2 testing. British Journal of Cancer; 127(6): 1116-1122. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/06/2022

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Di Maio M, Basch E, Denis F, Fallowfield L J, Ganz P A, Howell D, ... & ESMO Guidelines Committee. (2022). The role of patient-reported outcome measures in the continuum of cancer clinical care: ESMO Clinical Practice Guideline. Annals of Oncology; 33(9): 878-892. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/04/2022

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fitzsimmons D, & Wheelwright S. (2022). Developing Cancer Quality of Life Assessment Tools. In Handbook of Quality of Life in Cancer;(pp. 39-60). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/03/2022

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Glasspool R, Wheelwright S, Bolton V, Calman L, Cummings A, Elledge B, ... & Foster C. (2022). Modifiable pre-treatment factors are associated with quality of life in women with gynaecological cancers at diagnosis and one year later: Results from the HORIZONS UK national cohort study.Gynecologic Oncology; 165(3): 610-618. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/03/2022

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Amdal C D, Taylor K, Kuli D, Falk R S, Bottomley A, Arraras J I, ... & Bjordal K. (2022). Health-related quality of life in patients with COVID-19; international development of a patient-reported outcome measure. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes; 6(1): 26. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/03/2022

Project: GENERAL publications etc

King L, Matthews S, Foster C, Starkings R, Holch P, Absolom K, & Archer S. (2022). 'A fascinating time to be involved with research' exploring the impact of COVID-19 on postgraduate psycho-oncology researchers. Psycho-oncology; 31(4): 671-675. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/01/2022

Project: IMPARTER Phase 1

Fallowfield L J, Farewell D, Jones H, May S, Catt S, Starkings R, & Jenkins V. (2022). IMPARTER, Phase 1 of an intervention to improve patients' understanding of gene expression profiling tests in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 192: 265-271. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/01/2022

Project: Nepal womens cancer scoping review (IRP)

Rademaker C, Bhandary S, & Harder H. (2021). Knowledge, awareness, attitudes and screening practices towards breast and cervical cancer among women in Nepal: a scoping review. Journal of Public Health; 30: 1995-2027. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/12/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Burstein H J, Somerfield M R, Barton D L, Dorris A, Fallowfield L J, Jain D, ... & Rugo H S. (2021).. Endocrine treatment and targeted therapy for hormone receptor-positive, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-negative metastatic breast cancer: ASCO guideline update. Journal of Clinical Oncologyl 39(35): 3959-3977. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/12/2021

Project: POSNOC

Goyal A, Mann G B, Fallowfield L, Duley L, Reed M, Dodwell D, ... & Miles E. (2021). POSNOC - POsitive Sentinel NOde: adjuvant therapy alone versus adjuvant therapy plus Clearance or axillary radiotherapy: a randomised controlled trial of axillary treatment in women with early-stage breast cancer who have metastases in one or two sentinel nodes. BMJ Open; 11(12): e054365. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/12/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Botham J, Shilling V, & Jones J. (2021). Patient and public understanding of the concept of 'personalised medicine' in relation to cancer treatment: A systematic review. Future Healthcare Journal; 8(3): e703. Find it online here

Publication Date: 29/11/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Holden C E, Wheelwright S, Harle A, & Wagland R. (2021).The role of health literacy in cancer care: a mixed studies systematic review. PLoS One; 16(11): e0259815. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/11/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Calman L, Turner J, Fenlon D, Permyakova N V, Wheelwright S, Patel M, ... & Fenlon D. (2021). Prevalence and determinants of depression up to 5 years after colorectal cancer surgery: results from the ColoREctal Wellbeing (CREW) study. Colorectal Disease; 23(12): 3234-3250. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/10/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Maunsell R, Sodergren S, Hopkinson J, Shaw C, Foster C, & Wheelwright S. (2021). Nutritional care in colorectal cancer - what is the state of play? Colorectal Disease; 23(12): 3227-3233. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/10/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Thurtle D, Jenkins V, Freeman A, Pearson M, Recchia G, Tamer P, ... & Gnanapragasam V. (2021). Clinical impact of the predict prostate risk communication tool in men newly diagnosed with nonmetastatic prostate cancer: A multicentre randomised controlled trial. European Urology; 80(5): 661-669. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/09/2021

Project: PulMiCC

Williams N R, Treasure T, Macbeth F, & Fallowfield L. (2021). The prospective observational cohort and the nested randomised controlled trial in the Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (PulMiCC study) question the reliance on existing evidence for the magnitude of benefit from lung metastasectomy. American Journal of Clinical Oncology; 44(9): 502. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2021

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Singh N, Ryan A, Karpinskyj C, ... Fallowfield L. (2021) Ovarian cancer population screening and mortality after long-term follow-up in the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS): a randomised controlled trial. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey; 76(9): 537-538 Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2021

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Farewell V, Macbeth F, Batchelor T, Milosevic M, King J, ... & PulMiCC investigators. (2021). The Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (PulMiCC) burden of care study: Analysis of local treatments for lung metastases and systemic chemotherapy in 220 patients in the PulMiCC cohort. Colorectal Disease; 23(11): 2911-2922. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/07/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Boyle F M, Travado L, Kiely B E, Jewell P, Aubel D, & Cardoso F. (2021). Gaps in care and support for patients with advanced breast cancer: a report from the advanced breast cancer global Alliance. JCO Global Oncology; 7: 976-984. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/06/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Amdal C D, Pe M, Falk R S, Piccinin C, Bottomley A, Arraras J I, ... & Bjordal K. (2021). Health-related quality of life issues, including symptoms, in patients with active COVID-19 or post COVID-19; a systematic literature review. Quality of Life Research; 30(12): 3367-3381. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/06/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

O'Shaughnessy J, Sousa S, Cruz J, Fallowfield L, Auvinen P, Pulido C, ... & Wallmark J. (2021). Preference for the fixed-dose combination of pertuzumab and trastuzumab for subcutaneous injection in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (PHranceSCa): A randomised, open-label phase II study. European Journal of Cancer; 152: 223-232. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/06/2021

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Singh N, Ryan A, Karpinskyj C, ... & Parmar M. (2021). Ovarian cancer population screening and mortality after long-term follow-up in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet; 397(10290): 2182-2193. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/05/2021

Project: REACT- QoL

Starkings R, Shilling V, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2021). A structured review of quality of life in advanced and high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma shows the need for more studies and better measures. Skin Health and Disease; 1(3): e39. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/05/2021

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Farewell V, Macbeth F, Batchelor T, Milošević M, King J, ... & PulMiCCinvestigators. (2021). The Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer cohort study: Analysis of case selection, risk factors and survival in a prospective observational study of 512 patients. Colorectal Disease; 23(7): 1793-1803. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/03/2021

Project: Age Gap

Wyld L, Reed M W, Collins K, Burton M, Lifford K, Edwards A, ... & Thompson A M. (2021). Bridging the age gap in breast cancer: cluster randomized trial of two decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer on quality of life, survival, decision quality, and treatment choices. British Journal of Surgery; 108(5): 499-510. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/03/2021

Project: UKCTOCS

Kalsi J, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Singh N, Burnell M, Massingham S, ... & Menon U. (2021). Performance characteristics of the ultrasound strategy during incidence screening in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). Cancers; 13(4): 858. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/02/2021

Project: REACT- QoL

Starkings R, Shilling V, & Fallowfield L. (2021). An online review of informational sources for advanced or high-risk cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. Supportive Care in Cancer; 29: 4199-4207. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/02/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2021). Enhancing your 'webside' manner: communication during COVID-19. Trends in Urology & Men's Health; 12(1): 12-15. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/01/2021

Project: UKCTOCS

Kalsi J K, Ryan A, Gentry-Maharaj A, Margolin-Crump D, Singh N, Burnell M, ... & Menon U. (2021). Completeness and accuracy of national cancer and death registration for outcome ascertainment in trials - an ovarian cancer exemplar. Trials; 22(1): 1-11. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/01/2021

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Macbeth F, Farewell V, Williams N R, & Fallowfield L. (2021). The fallacy of large survival gains from lung metastasectomy in colorectal cancer. The Lancet; 397(10269): 97-98. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/01/2021

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Kinnaird W, Kirby M G, Mitra A, Davda R, Jenkins V, & Payne H. (2021). The management of sexual dysfunction resulting from radiotherapy and androgen deprivation therapy to treat prostate cancer: A comparison of uro-oncology practice according to disease stage. International Journal of Clinical Practice; 75(4): e13873. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/12/2020

Project: Go-Acupro

Kinnaird W, Mehta A, Guo C, Payne H, Jenkins V, & Catt S. (2021). The management of hot flushes for men treated with androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer: a survey of UK practice. Acupuncture in Medicine; 39(4): 394-395. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/10/2020

Project: TARGET Workshops - Talking About Risk in the context of Genomic Tests (TARGET)

Fallowfield L, May S, & Jenkins V. (2020). Communicating the oncotype DX® test results: A novel educational workshop for specialist breast care nurses. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 49: 101843 Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/09/2020

Project: PulMiCC

Brew-Graves C, Farewell V, Monson K, Milosevic M, Williams N R, Morris E, ... & Fallowfield L. (2021). Pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: health utility scores by EQ-5D-3L in a randomized controlled trial show no benefit from lung metastasectomy. Colorectal Disease; 23(1): 200-205. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/09/2020

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Paluch-Shimon S, Senkus E, Curigliano G, Aapro M S, André F, ... & Winer E P. (2020). 5th ESO-ESMO international consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 5). Annals of Oncology; 31(12): 1623-1649. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/09/2020

Project: PulMiCC

Macbeth F, & Fallowfield L. (2020). Reply to 'Comment on "The myth of pulmonary metastasectomy"'. British Journal of Cancer; 123(12): 1835-1836. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/09/2020

Project: GENERAL publications etc

West-Oram P G, Brooks C, & Jenkins V. (2020). From subject to fellow researcher: Reconceptualising research relationships to safeguard potentially vulnerable survey participants. The American Journal of Bioethics; 20(10): 72-74. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/09/2020

Project: TRUSTING Workshops 2020-21 Evaluation

Shilling V, Catt S, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2020). Using patient perspectives to inform communication training materials for health care professionals discussing BRCA mutation testing. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 184: 491-498. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/08/2020

Project: Related

Harder H, Shilling V M, May S F, Cella D, Schmid P, & Fallowfield L J. (2020). The development and initial evaluation of the Diarrhoea Management Diary (DMD) in patients with metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 183: 629-638. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/07/2020

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Baum M, Fallowfield L, Farewell V, Macbeth F, & Treasure T. (2020). NICE Guidelines: management of colorectal cancer metastases. British Journal of Surgery; 107(9): e357-e357. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/07/2020

Project: TRUSTING Workshops 2020-21 Evaluation

Starkings R, Shilling V, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2020). A systematic review of communication interventions to help healthcare professionals discuss genetic testing for breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 183: 9-21. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/06/2020

Project: UKCTOCS

Dilley J, Burnell M, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Neophytou C, Apostolidou S, ... & Menon U. (2020). Ovarian cancer symptoms, routes to diagnosis and survival - Population cohort study in the 'no screen' arm of the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). Gynecologic Oncology; 158(2): 316-322. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/06/2020

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Macbeth F, & Fallowfield L. (2020). The myth of pulmonary metastasectomy. British Journal of Cancer; 123(4): 499-500. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/06/2020

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Aapro M, Bossi P, Dasari A, Fallowfield L, Gascón P, Geller M, ... & Porzig S. (2020). Digital health for optimal supportive care in oncology: benefits, limits, and future perspectives. Supportive Care in Cancer; 28: 4589-4612. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/06/2020

Project: PulMiCC

Fallowfield L J. (2020) Re: Colorectal cancer: summary of NICE guidance BMJ 2020;368:m461 Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/06/2020

Project: Option

Leonard R, Yellowlees A, Mansi J, Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2020). The affect of goserelin on the QoL of women having chemotherapy for EBC: Results from the OPTION trial. The Breast; 52: 122-131. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/06/2020

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Farewell V, Macbeth F, Monson K, Williams N R, Brew-Graves C, ... & Fallowfield L. (2019). Pulmonary metastasectomy versus continued active monitoring in colorectal cancer (PulMiCC): a multicentre randomised clinical trial. Trials; 20(1): 1-13. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/12/2019

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Bottomley A, Reijneveld J C, Koller M, Flechtner H, Tomaszewski K A, Greimel E, ... & van de Poll-Franse L. (2019). Current state of quality of life and patient-reported outcomes research. European Journal of Cancer; 121: 55-63. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/09/2019

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Thurtle D R, Jenkins V, Pharoah P D, & Gnanapragasam V J. (2019). Understanding of prognosis in non-metastatic prostate cancer: a randomised comparative study of clinician estimates measured against the PREDICT prostate prognostic model. British Journal of Cancer; 121(8): 715-718. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/09/2019

Project: Extreqol

Catt S, Matthews L, May S, Payne H, Mason M, & Jenkins V. (2019). Patients' and partners' views of care and treatment provided for metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer in the UK. European Journal of Cancer Care; 28(6): e13140. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2019

Project: UKCTOCS

Harder H, Starkings R M, Fallowfield L J, Menon U, Jacobs I J, & Jenkins V A. (2019). Sexual functioning in 4,418 postmenopausal women participating in UKCTOCS: a qualitative free-text analysis. Menopause (New York, NY); 26(10): 1100. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/08/2019

Project: PROACT

Starkings R, Jenkins V, & Shilling V. (2019). Insights into the use of social comparisons within an advanced cancer setting. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology Research and Practice; 1(2): e6. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/06/2019

Project: TARGET Workshops - Talking About Risk in the context of Genomic Tests (TARGET)

Fallowfield L, Solis-Trapala I, Starkings R, Catt S, May S, & Jenkins V. (2019). Talking about risk in the context of genomic tests (TARGET): development and evaluation of an educational program for clinicians. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 177: 641-649. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/06/2019

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Delaloge S, Cella D, Ye Y, Buyse M, Chan A, Barrios C H, ... & Martin M. (2019). Effects of neratinib on health-related quality of life in women with HER2-positive early-stage breast cancer: longitudinal analyses from the randomized phase III ExteNET trial. Annals of Oncology; 30(4): 567-574. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/04/2019

Project: PROACT

Shilling V, Starkings R, Jenkins V, Cella D, & Fallowfield L. (2019). Development and validation of the caregiver roles and responsibilities scale in cancer caregivers. Quality of Life Research; 28: 1655-1668. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/03/2019

Project: Extreqol

Jenkins V, Solis-Trapala I, Payne H, Mason M, Fallowfield L, May S, ... & Catt S. (2019). Treatment experiences, information needs, pain and quality of life in men with metastatic castrate-resistant prostate cancer: results from the EXTREQOL study. Clinical Oncology; 31(2): 99-107. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2019

Project: Age Gap

Lifford K J, Edwards A, Burton M, Harder H, Armitage F, Morgan J L, ... & Brain K. (2019). Efficient development and usability testing of decision support interventions for older women with breast cancer. Patient Preference and Adherence; 13: 131-143. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/01/2019

Project: DIAMOND Phase 1-4

Maunsell R, Bloomfield S, Erridge C, Foster C, Hardcastle M, Hogden A, ... & Wheelwright S J. (2019). Developing a web-based patient decision aid for gastrostomy in motor neuron disease: a study protocol. BMJ Open; 9(12): e032364. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2019


Hinde S, Theriou C, May S, Matthews L, Arbon A, Fallowfield L, & Bloomfield D. (2019). The cost-effectiveness of EndoPredict to inform adjuvant chemotherapy decisions in early breast cancer. Health Policy and Technology; 8(1): 75-83. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/12/2018

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J. (2018). Quality of life assessment using patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures: still a Cinderella outcome? Annals of Oncology; 29(12): 2286-2287. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/11/2018

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Kandiyali R, Hawton A, Cabral C, Mytton J, Shilling V, Morris C, & Ingram J. (2019). Working with patients and members of the public: informing health economics in child health research. PharmacoEconomics-Open; 3: 133-141. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/10/2018

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Senkus E, Costa A, Papadopoulos E, Aapro M, André F, ... & Winer E P. (2018). 4th ESO-ESMO international consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 4). Annals of Oncology; 29(8): 1634-1657. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/08/2018

Project: PRRS - Patient Roles and Responsibilities Scale

Shilling V, Starkings R, Jenkins V, Cella D, Fallowfield L. (2018) Development and validation of the patient roles and responsibilities scale in cancer patients. Quality of Life Research; 27: 2923-2934 Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/07/2018

Project: PROACT

Shilling V, Starkings R, Jenkins V, Cella D, & Fallowfield L. (2018). Development and validation of the patient roles and responsibilities scale in cancer patients. Quality of Life Research; 27: 2923-2934. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/07/2018


Jenkins V, Farewell V, May S, Catt S, Matthews L, Shilling V, ... & Fallowfield L. (2018). Do drugs offering only PFS maintain quality of life sufficiently from a patient's perspective? Results from AVALPROFS (Assessing the 'VALue' to patients of PROgression Free Survival) study. Supportive Care in Cancer; 26: 3941-3949. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/05/2018

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J, & Jenkins V. (2018) Psychological Issues in Breast Cancer. In Dixon, J., and Barber M. D. (Eds.), Breast Surgery - A Companion to Specialist Surgery (6th Ed) Elsevier Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/04/2018

Project: Jaw Study

Catt S L, Ahmad S, Collyer J, Hardwick L, Shah N, & Winchester L. (2018). Quality of life and communication in orthognathic treatment. Journal of Orthodontics; 45(2): 65-70. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/04/2018

Project: CU FITTER

Catt S, Sheward J, Sheward E, & Harder H. (2018). Cancer survivors' experiences of a community-based cancer-specific exercise programme: results of an exploratory survey. Supportive Care in Cancer; 26: 3209-3216. Find it online here

Publication Date: 05/04/2018

Project: Extreqol

Jenkins V, Payne H, Mason M, May S, Matthews L, & Catt S. (2018). EXTREQOL identifies ongoing challenges in maximising quality of survival in men with Metastatic Castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer. Clinical Oncology; 30(6): 331-333. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/02/2018


Fallowfield L, Matthews L, May S, Jenkins V, & Bloomfield D. (2018). Enhancing decision-making about adjuvant chemotherapy in early breast cancer following EndoPredict testing. Psycho-Oncology; 27(4): 1264-1269. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/02/2018

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & Selby P. (2018). Patient-Centred Decision Making: Communication Challenges. In Velikova G, Fallowfield L, Younger J, Board R, and Selby P. (Eds.) Problem Solving in Patient-Centred and Integrated Cancer Care: p19-23. EBN Health Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2018

Project: LORIS

Rea D, Francis A, Wallis M, Thomas J, Bartlett J, Bowden S, ... & Young J. (2017). Confusion over differences in registration and randomization criteria for the LORIS (Low-Risk DCIS) trial. Annals of Surgical Oncology; 24: 566-567. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/11/2017

Project: PrefHer

Pivot X, Verma S, Fallowfield L, Müller V, Lichinitser M, Jenkins V, ... & PrefHer Study Group. (2017). Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous trastuzumab and intravenous trastuzumab as part of adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early breast cancer: Final analysis of the randomised, two-cohort PrefHer study. European Journal of Cancer; 86: 82-90. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/11/2017

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Nadler E, Gilloteau I, Greaney M, Gater A, Orsini L, ... & Lyman G H. (2017). Quality of survival: A new concept framework to assess the quality of prolonged life in cancer. Expert Review of Quality of Life in Cancer Care; 2(4): 225-232. Find it online here

Publication Date: 31/08/2017

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Oberguggenberger A, Martini C, Huber N, Fallowfield L, Hubalek M, Daniaux M, ... & Meraner V. (2017). Self-reported sexual health: Breast cancer survivors compared to women from the general population - an observational study. BMC Cancer; 17(1): 1-9. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/08/2017

Project: Age Gap

Collins K, Reed M, Lifford K, Burton M, Edwards A, Ring A, ... & Wyld L. (2017). Bridging the age gap in breast cancer: evaluation of decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial. BMJ Open; 7(7): e015133. Find it online here

Publication Date: 31/07/2017

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, McGuire A J, Raikou M, Ryan A, Davies S K, Burnell M, ... & Jacobs I J. (2017). The cost-effectiveness of screening for ovarian cancer: results from the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). British Journal of Cancer; 117(5): 619-627. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/07/2017

Project: bWell Videos

Harder H, Holroyd P, Burkinshaw L, Watten P, Zammit C, Harris P R, ... & Jenkins V. (2017). A user-centred approach to developing bWell, a mobile app for arm and shoulder exercises after breast cancer treatment. Journal of Cancer Survivorship; 11: 732-742. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/07/2017

Project: PROACT

Shilling V, Starkings R, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2017). The pervasive nature of uncertainty - a qualitative study of patients with advanced cancer and their informal caregivers. Journal of Cancer Survivorship; 11: 590-603. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/07/2017

Project: PrefHer

Gligorov J, Curigliano G, Müller V, Knoop A, Jenkins V, Verma S, ... & Pivot X. (2017). Switching between intravenous and subcutaneous trastuzumab: safety results from the PrefHer trial. The Breast; 34: 89-95. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/05/2017

Project: Exemestane

Morden J P, Alvarez I, Bertelli G, Coates A S, Coleman R, Fallowfield L, ... & Coombes R C. (2017). Long term follow-up of the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES). Journal of clinical oncology: official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology; 35(22): 2507. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/05/2017

Project: UKCTOCS

Fallowfield L, Solis-Trapala I, Menon U, Langridge C, May S, Jacobs I, & Jenkins V. (2017). The effect of ovarian cancer screening on sexual activity and functioning: results from the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening RCT. British Journal of Cancer; 116(8): 1111-1117. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/03/2017

Project: Survey of UK Clinicians doctor-patient relationship

Bloomfield D, Fallowfield L, May S, & Jenkins V. (2017). Too hot, too cold or can we get it just right? What emotional distance should oncologists keep from their patients? Clinical Oncology; 29(4): 205-206. Find it online here

Publication Date: 29/12/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Costa A, Senkus E, Aapro M, André F, Barrios C H, ... & Winer E. (2017). 3rd ESO - ESMO international consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 3). The Breast; 31: 244-259. Find it online here

Publication Date: 05/12/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Harder H, Jenkins V. (2016). The Effects of Breast Cancer Treatments on Cognition. In: Ring A, Parton M. (eds) Breast Cancer Survivorship. Springer, Cham. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/12/2016

Project: PROACT

Catt S, Starkings R, Shilling V, & Fallowfield L. (2017). Patient-reported outcome measures of the impact of cancer on patients' everyday lives: a systematic review. Journal of Cancer Survivorship; 11: 211-232. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/11/2016

Project: FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire

da Costa F A, Ribeiro M C, Braga S, Carvalho E, Francisco F, da Costa Miranda A, ... & Fallowfield L. (2016). Sexual dysfunction in breast cancer survivors: Cross-cultural adaptation of the Sexual Activity Questionnaire for use in Portugal. Acta Medica Portuguesa; 29(9): 533-541. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/09/2016


Fallowfield L J, Catt S L, May S F, Matthews L, Shilling V M, Simcock R, ... & Jenkins V A. (2017). Therapeutic aims of drugs offering only progression-free survival are misunderstood by patients, and oncologists may be overly optimistic about likely benefits. Supportive Care in Cancer; 25: 237-244. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/09/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Rugo H S, Rumble R B, Macrae E, Barton D L, Connolly H K, Dickler M N, ... & Burstein H J. (2016). Endocrine therapy for hormone receptor-positive metastatic breast cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology Guideline. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 34(25): 3069-3103. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Matulonis U A, Sood A K, Fallowfield L, Howitt B E, Sehouli J, & Karlan B Y. (2016). Ovarian cancer. Nature reviews Disease Primers; 2(1): 1-22. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/08/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Vrdoljak E, Marschner N, Zielinski C, Gligorov J, Cortes J, Puglisi F, ... & von Minckwitz G. (2016). Final results of the TANIA randomised phase III trial of bevacizumab after progression on first-line bevacizumab therapy for HER2-negative locally recurrent/metastatic breast cancer. Annals of Oncology; 27(11): 2046-2052. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/08/2016

Project: EXPECT

Jenkins V A, & Fallowfield L J. (2016). No man's land: information needs and resources of men with metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer. Supportive Care in Cancer; 24: 4471-4473. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/07/2016

Project: Anxiety after Stroke in Older People

Kneebone I I, Fife-Schaw C, Lincoln N B, & Harder H. (2016). A study of the validity and the reliability of the Geriatric Anxiety Inventory in screening for anxiety after stroke in older inpatients. Clinical Rehabilitation; 30(12): 1220-1228. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/07/2016

Project: Extreqol

Fallowfield L, Payne H, & Jenkins V. (2016). Patient-reported outcomes in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology; 13(10): 643-650. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/06/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Madden L, Shilling V, Woolfall K, Sowden E, Smyth R L, Williamson P R, & Young B. (2016). Questioning assent: how are children's views included as families make decisions about clinical trials? Child: Care, Health and Development; 42(6): 900-908. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/05/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Gibbons E, Black N, Fallowfield L, Newhouse R, & Fitzpatrick R. (2016). Patient-reported outcome measures and the evaluation of services. In Challenges, solutions and future directions in the evaluation of service innovations in health care and public health. Health Services and Delivery Research 2016;4(16) Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/2016

Project: Chemotherapy and Cognition

Jenkins V, Thwaites R, Cercignani M, Sacre S, Harrison N, Whiteley-Jones H, ... & Harder H. (2016). A feasibility study exploring the role of pre-operative assessment when examining the mechanism of 'chemo-brain' in breast cancer patients. Springerplus; 5(1): 1-11. Find it online here

Publication Date: 31/03/2016

Project: LORIS

Fallowfield L, & Francis A. (2016). Overtreatment of low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ. JAMA Oncology; 2(3): 382-383. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/03/2016

Project: PROACT

Shilling V, Matthews L, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2016). Patient-reported outcome measures for cancer caregivers: a systematic review. Quality of Life Research; 25: 1859-1876. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/02/2016

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Paluch-Shimon S, Pagani O, Partridge A H, Bar-Meir E, Fallowfield L, Fenlon D, ... & Cardoso F. (2016). Second international consensus guidelines for breast cancer in young women (BCY2). The Breast; 26: 87-99. Find it online here

Publication Date: 06/02/2016

Project: Q-ABC

Nikapota A D, Cresswell J, Appleyard S, & Catt S L. (2016). Quality of life after bladder cancer: a prospective study comparing patient-related outcomes after radical surgery or radical radiotherapy for bladder cancer. Clinical Oncology; 28(6): 373-375. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/12/2015

Project: UKCTOCS

Jacobs I J, Menon U, Ryan A, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Kalsi J K, ... & Skates S J. (2016). Ovarian cancer screening and mortality in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet; 387(10022): 945-956. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/12/2015

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Kalsi J K, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Burnell M, Parmar M, ... & Jacobs I. (2016). Reply to PF Pinsky, CP Crum, and MW McIntosh et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 34(2): 201-202. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/11/2015

Project: LORIS

Francis A, Thomas J, Fallowfield L, Wallis M, Bartlett J M, Brookes C, ... & Rea D. (2015). Addressing overtreatment of screen detected DCIS; the LORIS trial. European Journal of Cancer; 51(16): 2296-2303. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/11/2015

Project: UKCTOCS

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, Langridge C, Barrett J, Ryan A, Jacobs I, ... & Farewell V. (2015). Psychosocial factors associated with withdrawal from the United Kingdom collaborative trial of ovarian Cancer screening after 1 episode of repeat screening. International Journal of Gynecologic Cancer; 25(8). Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/10/2015

Project: Denosumab

von Moos R, Body J J, Egerdie B, Stopeck A, Brown J, Fallowfield L, ... & Qian Y. (2016). Pain and analgesic use associated with skeletal-related events in patients with advanced cancer and bone metastases. Supportive Care in Cancer; 24: 1327-1337. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/09/2015

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Morris C, Janssens A, Shilling V, Allard A, Fellowes A, Tomlinson R, ... & Logan S. (2015). Meaningful health outcomes for paediatric neurodisability: stakeholder prioritisation and appropriateness of patient reported outcome measures. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes; 13(1): 1-9. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/06/2015

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Ryan A, Kalsi J, Gentry-Maharaj A, Dawnay A, Habib M, ... & Jacobs I. (2015). Risk algorithm using serial biomarker measurements doubles the number of screen-detected cancers compared with a single-threshold rule in the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 33(18): 2062. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/05/2015

Project: Anxiety after Stroke in Older People

Menlove L, Crayton E, Kneebone I, Allen-Crooks R, Otto E, & Harder H. (2015). Predictors of anxiety after stroke: a systematic review of observational studies. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases; 24(6): 1107-1117. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/03/2015

Project: Yoga study

Harder H, Langridge C, Solis-Trapala I, Zammit C, Grant M, Rees D, ... & Jenkins V. (2015). Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise. European Journal of Integrative Medicine; 7(3): 202-210. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/02/2015

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V A, & Fallowfield L J. (2015). For the benefit of others: reasons why women with breast cancer participate in RCTs. Breast Care; 10(2): 88-93. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/02/2015

Project: PrefHer

Fallowfield L, Osborne S, Langridge C, Monson K, Kilkerr J, & Jenkins V. (2015). Implications of subcutaneous or intravenous delivery of trastuzumab; further insight from patient interviews in the PrefHer study. The Breast; 24(2): 166-170. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/01/2015

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Bailey S, Logan S, & Morris C. (2015). Peer support for parents of disabled children part 2: how organizational and process factors influenced shared experience in a one-to-one service, a qualitative study. Child: Care, Health and Development; 41(4): 537-546. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/01/2015

Project: Denosumab

Patrick D L, Cleeland C S, von Moos R, Fallowfield L, Wei R, Ohrling K, & Qian Y. (2015). Pain outcomes in patients with bone metastases from advanced cancer: assessment and management with bone-targeting agents. Supportive Care in Cancer; 23: 1157-1168. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/12/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Bailey S, Logan, S, & Morris C. (2015). Peer support for parents of disabled children part 1: perceived outcomes of a one-to-one service, a qualitative study. Child: Care, Health and Development; 41(4): 524-536. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/12/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Guarneri V, Ozturk M A, May S, & Jenkins V. (2014). Blurring of boundaries in the doctor-patient relationship. The Lancet Oncology; 15(13): 1423-1424. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/12/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2015). Psychosocial/survivorship issues in breast cancer: are we doing better? Journal of the National Cancer Institute; 107(1): dju335. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/11/2014

Project: NEOCENT

Palmieri C, Cleator S, Kilburn L S, Kim S B, Ahn S H, Beresford M, ... & Coombes R C. (2014). NEOCENT: a randomised feasibility and translational study comparing neoadjuvant endocrine therapy with chemotherapy in ER-rich postmenopausal primary breast cancer. Breast cancer research and treatment; 148: 581-590. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/11/2014

Project: LORIS

Francis A, Fallowfield L, & Rea D (2015). The LORIS trial: addressing overtreatment of ductal carcinoma in situ.Clinical Oncology;27(1): 6-8. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/11/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cherny N I, De Vries E G, Emanuel L, Fallowfield L, Francis P A, Gabizon A, ... & Tziraki C. (2014). Words matter: distinguishing "personalized medicine" and "biologically personalized therapeutics". Journal of the National Cancer Institute; 106(12): dju321. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/10/2014

Project: PrefHer

Pivot X, Gligorov J, Müller V, Curigliano G, Knoop A, Verma S, ... & Verma S. (2014). Patients' preferences for subcutaneous trastuzumab versus conventional intravenous infusion for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of 488 patients in the international, randomized, two-cohort PrefHer study. Annals of Oncology; 25(10): 1979-1987. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/10/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Senkus E, Aapro M, Andre F, ... & Winer E. (2014). ESO-ESMO 2nd international consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC2). The Breast; 23(5): 489-502. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/09/2014

Project: FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire

Hopkins T G, Stavraka C, Gabra H, Fallowfield L, Hood C, & Blagden S. (2015). Sexual activity and functioning in ovarian cancer survivors: an internet-based evaluation. Climacteric; 18(1): 94-98. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/07/2014

Project: PrefHer

Stoner K L, Harder H, Fallowfield L J, & Jenkins V A (2015). Intravenous versus subcutaneous drug administration. Which do patients prefer? A systematic review. The Patient-Patient-Centered Outcomes Research; 8: 145-153. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/07/2014

Project: LORIS

Fallowfield L, Matthews L, Francis A, Jenkins V, & Rea D. (2014). Low grade Ductal Carcinoma in situ (DCIS): how best to describe it? The Breast; 23(5): 693-696. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/06/2014

Project: CEA Trial (historical)

Treasure T, Brew-Graves C, Fallowfield L, Farewell V, Golesworthy T, Leonard P, ... & Russell C. (2014). The need to determine whether lung metastasectomy improves survival in advanced colorectal cancer. BMJ: British Medical Journal; 348:g4085 Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/06/2014

Project: UKCTOCS

Barrett J, Jenkins V, Farewell V, Menon U, Jacobs I, Kilkerr J, ... & UKCTOCS trialists. (2014). Psychological morbidity associated with ovarian cancer screening: results from more than 23 000 women in the randomised trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS). BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology; 121(9): 1071-1079. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/05/2014

Project: GENERAL publications etc

El Saghir N S, Keating N L, Carlson R W, Khoury K E, & Fallowfield L. (2014). Tumor boards: optimizing the structure and improving efficiency of multidisciplinary management of patients with cancer worldwide. American Society of Clinical Oncology Educational Book; 34(1): e461-e466. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/05/2014

Project: CEA Trial (historical)

Treasure T, Monson K, Fiorentino F, & Russell C. (2014). The CEA Second-Look Trial: a randomised controlled trial of carcinoembryonic antigen prompted reoperation for recurrent colorectal cancer. BMJ Open; 4(5): e004385. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/05/2014

Project: CEA Trial (historical)

Treasure T, Monson K, Fiorentino F, & Russell C. (2014). Operating to remove recurrent colorectal cancer: have we got it right? BMJ; 348:g2085 Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/05/2014

Project: Teams Talking Trials

Fallowfield L, Langridge C, & Jenkins V. (2014). Communication skills training for breast cancer teams talking about trials. The Breast; 23(2): 193-197. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/12/2013

Project: Denosumab

Von Moos R, Body J J, Egerdie B, Stopeck A, Brown J E, Damyanov D, ... & Chung K. (2013). Pain and health-related quality of life in patients with advanced solid tumours and bone metastases: integrated results from three randomized, double-blind studies of denosumab and zoledronic acid. Supportive Care in Cancer; 21: 3497-3507. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/08/2013

Project: PrefHer

Pivot X, Gligorov J, Müller V, Barrett-Lee P, Verma S, Knoop A, ... & Fallowfield L. (2013). Preference for subcutaneous or intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients with HER2-positive early breast cancer (PrefHer): an open-label randomised study. The Lancet Oncology; 14(10): 962-970. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/08/2013

Project: AChEW

Harder H, Ballinger R, Langridge C, Ring A, & Fallowfield L J. (2013). Adjuvant chemotherapy in elderly women with breast cancer: patients' perspectives on information giving and decision making. Psycho-Oncology; 22(12): 2729-2735. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/06/2013

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Catt S, Banerjee S, Gourley C, Montes A, Solis-Trapala I, ... & Fallowfield L. (2013). Patients' and oncologists' views on the treatment and care of advanced ovarian cancer in the UK: results from the ADVOCATE study. British Journal of Cancer; 108(11): 2264-2271. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/05/2013

Project: AChEW

Ring A, Harder H, Langridge C, Ballinger R S, & Fallowfield L J. (2013).. Adjuvant chemotherapy in elderly women with breast cancer (AChEW): an observational study identifying MDT perceptions and barriers to decision making. Annals of Oncology; 24(5): 1211-1219. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/2013

Project: PulMiCC

Migliore M, Lees B, Treasure T, & Fallowfield L J. (2013). Randomized controlled trial of pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: PulMiCC International is open in Italy. The Oncologist; 18(5): 637-637. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/04/2013

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Lin N U, Thomssen C, Cardoso F, Cameron D, Cufer T, Fallowfield L, ... & ESO-MBC Task Force. (2013). International guidelines for management of metastatic breast cancer (MBC) from the European School of Oncology (ESO)-MBC Task Force: surveillance, staging, and evaluation of patients with early-stage and metastatic breast cancer. The Breast; 22(3): 203-210. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/04/2013

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Farewell V, Farewell D, Darmanin J, Wagstaff J, Langridge C, & Fallowfield L. (2013). Drivers and barriers to patient participation in RCTs. British Journal of Cancer; 108(7): 1402-1407. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/03/2013

Project: ARIX

Simcock R, Fallowfield L, Monson K, Solis-Trapala I, Parlour L, Langridge C, ... & ARIX Steering Committee. (2013). ARIX: a randomised trial of acupuncture v oral care sessions in patients with chronic xerostomia following treatment of head and neck cancer. Annals of Oncology; 24(3): 776-783. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/03/2013

Project: Teams Talking Trials

Jenkins V A, Farewell D, Farewell V, Batt L, Wagstaff J, Langridge C, ... & Teams Talking Trials Steering Committee. (2013). Teams Talking Trials: results of an RCT to improve the communication of cancer teams about treatment trials. Contemporary Clinical Trials; 35(1): 43-51. Find it online here

Publication Date: 09/02/2013

Project: Denosumab

Vadhan-Raj S, Von Moos R, Fallowfield L J, Patrick D L, Goldwasser F, Cleeland C S, ... & Chung K. (2012). Clinical benefit in patients with metastatic bone disease: results of a phase 3 study of denosumab versus zoledronic acid. Annals of Oncology; 23(12): 3045-3051. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/12/2012

Project: LORIS

Fallowfield L, Francis A, Catt S, Mackenzie M, & Jenkins V. (2012). Time for a low-risk DCIS trial: harnessing public and patient involvement. The Lancet Oncology; 13(12): 1183-1185. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/11/2012

Project: Yoga study

Harder H, Parlour L, & Jenkins V. (2012). Randomised controlled trials of yoga interventions for women with breast cancer: a systematic literature review. Supportive Care in Cancer; 20: 3055-3064. Find it online here

Publication Date: 06/10/2012

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Harbeck N, Fallowfield L, Kyriakides S, & Senkus E. (2012). Locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology; 23: vii11-vii19. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/10/2012

Project: Denosumab

Cleeland C S, Body J J, Stopeck A, Von Moos R, Fallowfield L, Mathias S D, ... & Chung K. (2013). Pain outcomes in patients with advanced breast cancer and bone metastases: Results from a randomized, double?blind study of denosumab and zoledronic acid. Cancer; 119(4): 832-838. Find it online here

Publication Date: 05/09/2012

Project: Denosumab

Martin M, Bell R, Bourgeois H, Brufsky A, Diel I, Eniu A, ... & Braun A. (2012). Bone-related complications and quality of life in advanced breast cancer: results from a randomized phase III trial of denosumab versus zoledronic acid. Clinical Cancer Research; 18(17): 4841-4849. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2012

Project: Glioma

Catt S, Chalmers A, Critchley G, & Fallowfield L. (2012). Supportive follow-up in patients treated with radical intent for high-grade glioma. CNS Oncology; 1(1): 39-48. Find it online here

Publication Date: 31/08/2012

Project: UKCTOCS

Gentry-Maharaj A, Sharma A, Burnell M, Ryan A, Amso N N, Seif M W, ... & Menon U. (2013). Acceptance of transvaginal sonography by postmenopausal women participating in the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology; 41(1): 73-79. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/07/2012

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, von Moos R, Costa L, Stopeck A, Clemons M, Clarke N, ... & Chung K. (2012). Weighing bone-targeted treatment options for patients with solid tumours and skeletal complications from metastatic disease. Eur Oncol Haematol; 8(3): 148e55. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/05/2012

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Costa A, Norton L, Cameron D, Cufer T, Fallowfield L, ... & Winer E. (2012). 1st International consensus guidelines for advanced breast cancer (ABC 1). The Breast; 21(3): 242-252. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/03/2012

Project: Communicating about Phase 1 & 2 Trials

Fallowfield L J, Solis-Trapala I, & Jenkins V A. (2012). Evaluation of an educational program to improve communication with patients about early-phase trial participation. The Oncologist; 17(3): 377-383. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/03/2012

Project: Exemestane

Fallowfield L J, Kilburn L S, Langridge C, Snowdon C F, Bliss J M, & Coombes R C. (2012). Long-term assessment of quality of life in the Intergroup Exemestane Study: 5 years post-randomisation. British Journal of Cancer; 106(6): 1062-1067. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/02/2012

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Matza L S, Fallowfield L J, Chung K C, Currie B M, Van Brunt K, & Patrick D L. (2012). Patient-reported outcome instruments used to assess pain and functioning in studies of bisphosphonate treatment for bone metastases. Supportive Care in Cancer; 20: 657-677. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/02/2012

Project: Glioma

Ford E, Catt S, Chalmers A, & Fallowfield L. (2012). Systematic review of supportive care needs in patients with primary malignant brain tumors. Neuro-Oncology; 14(4): 392-404. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/02/2012

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J. (2011). What should women do in the meantime? BMJ; 343. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/11/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Monson K, Parlour L, Simcock R, Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2012). Group recruitment sessions enhance patient understanding in a small multi-centre phase III clinical trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials; 33(2): 286-290. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/11/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J, & Fleissig A. (2012). The value of progression-free survival to patients with advanced-stage cancer. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology; 9(1): 41-47. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/10/2011

Project: ACTION

Leonard, R, Ballinger R, Cameron D, Ellis P, Fallowfield L, Gosney M, ... & Bliss J M. (2011). Adjuvant chemotherapy in older women (ACTION) study - what did we learn from the pilot phase? British Journal of Cancer; 105(9): 1260-1266. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/10/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V A, Trapala I S, Parlour L, Langridge C I, & Fallowfield L J. (2011). The views of patients and the general public about expensive anti-cancer drugs in the NHS: a questionnaire-based study. JRSM Short Reports; 2(9): 1-8. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/09/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Fallowfield L, Costa A, Castiglione M, & Senkus E. (2011). Locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology; 22: vi25-vi30. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Harder H, Babar M, Merry S, Newbury S, Kissin M, & Zammit C. (2012). A pilot study to examine the experiences and attitudes of women with breast cancer towards one versus two-step axillary surgery. The Breast; 21(1): 72-76. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/08/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Stebbing J, Braybrooke J, Langridge C, & Jenkins V. (2011). The preferences and experiences of different bisphosphonate treatments in women with breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology; 20(7): 755-761. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/06/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Ring A, Reed M, Leonard R, Kunkler I, Muss H, Wildiers H, ... & Coleman R. (2011). The treatment of early breast cancer in women over the age of 70. British Journal of Cancer; 105(2): 189-193. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/06/2011

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Fallowfield L, Lees B, & Farewell V. (2012). Pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: the PulMiCC trial. Thorax; 67(2): 185-187. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/05/2011

Project: AChEW

Ballinger R, Ford E, Pennery E, Jenkins V, Ring A, & Fallowfield L. (2012). Specialist breast care and research nurses' attitudes to adjuvant chemotherapy in older women with breast cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 16(1): 78-86. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/05/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, Langridge C, Solis-Trapala I, Jones A, & Barrett J. (2011). Discussing expensive anti-cancer drugs. British Journal of Healthcare Management; 17(5): 206-212. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Ford E, Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, Stuart N, Farewell D, & Farewell V. (2011). Clinicians' attitudes towards clinical trials of cancer therapy. British Journal of Cancer: 104(10): 1535-1543. Find it online here

Publication Date: 12/04/2011

Project: Glioma

Catt S L, Anderson J L, & Critchley G R. (2011). Patients' and staff's experiences of multidisciplinary follow-up for high-grade glioma after radical radiotherapy. Psychology, Health & Medicine; 16(3): 357-365. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/04/2011

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Catt S, Langridge C, Fallowfield L, Talbot D C, & Jenkins V. (2011). Reasons given by patients for participating, or not, in phase 1 cancer trials. European Journal of Cancer; 47(10): 1490-1497. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/03/2011

Project: UKCTOCS

Burnell M, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Apostolidou S, Habib M, Kalsi J, ... & Menon U. (2011). Impact on mortality and cancer incidence rates of using random invitation from population registers for recruitment to trials. Trials; 12: 1-10. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/03/2011

Project: UKCTOCS

Jacobs I, Gentry-Maharaj A, Burnell M, Manchanda R, Singh N, Sharma A, ... & Menon U. (2011). Sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound screening for endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women: a case-control study within the UKCTOCS cohort. The Lancet Oncology; 12(1): 38-48. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/12/2010

Project: Glioma

Catt S L, Anderson J L, Chalmers A J, & Fallowfield L J. (2011). A UK-wide survey of follow-up practices for patients with high-grade glioma treated with radical intent. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice; 17(1): 1-6. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/12/2010

Project: ARIX

Simcock R, & Jenkins V. (2010). Acupuncture and xerostomia. Acupuncture in Medicine; 28(4): 167. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/12/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Farewell D, Batt L, Maughan T, Branston L, Langridge C, ... & Fallowfield L. (2010). The attitudes of 1066 patients with cancer towards participation in randomised clinical trials. British Journal of Cancer; 103(12): 1801-1807. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/11/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Solis-Trapala I, Langridge C, Catt S, Talbot D C, & Fallowfield L J. (2011). What oncologists believe they said and what patients believe they heard: an analysis of phase I trial discussions. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 29(1): 61-68. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/11/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Dixon J M, Renshaw L, Langridge C, Young O E, McHugh M, Williams L, ... & Fallowfield L J. (2011). Anastrozole and letrozole: an investigation and comparison of quality of life and tolerability. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 125: 741-749. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/09/2010

Project: UKCTOCS

Fallowfield L, Fleissig A, Barrett J, Menon U, Jacobs I, Kilkerr J, & Farewell V. (2010). Awareness of ovarian cancer risk factors, beliefs and attitudes towards screening: baseline survey of 21 715 women participating in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening. British Journal of Cancer; 103(4): 454-461. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/07/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Mayer M, Huñis A, Oratz R, Glennon C, Spicer P, Caplan E, & Fallowfield L. (2010). Living with metastatic breast cancer: a global patient survey. Community Oncology; 9(7): 406-412. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/07/2010

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Fiorentino F, Hunt I, Fallowfield L, & Utley M. (2010). Current Concepts: Pulmonary Metastasectomy for Colorectal Cancer. European Journal of Oncological Medicine; 2(2).

Publication Date: 01/06/2010

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Fallowfield L, & Lees B. (2010). Pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: the PulMiCC trial. Journal of Thoracic Oncology; 5(6): S203-S206. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Senkus-Konefka E, Fallowfield L, Costa A, & Castiglione M. (2010). Locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer: ESMO Clinical Practice Guidelines for diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. Annals of Oncology; 21: v15-v19. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Smith A B, Fallowfield L J, Stark D P, Velikova G, & Jenkins V. (2010). A Rasch and confirmatory factor analysis of the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ)-12. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes; 8(1): 1-10. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/04/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V A, Anderson J L, & Fallowfield L J. (2010). Communication and informed consent in phase 1 trials: a review of the literature from January 2005 to July 2009. Supportive Care in Cancer; 18: 1115-1121. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/03/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stiefel F, Barth J, Bensing J, Fallowfield L, Jost L, Razavi D, & Kiss A. (2010). Communication skills training in oncology: a position paper based on a consensus meeting among European experts in 2009. Annals of Oncology; 21(2): 204-207. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2010). Communication with patients after errors. Journal of Health Services Research & Policy; 15(1_suppl): 56-59. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2010

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2009). The challenge of interacting with patients in oncology. European Journal of Cancer; 45: 445-446. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/09/2009

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cardoso F, Bedard P L, Winer E P, Pagani O, Senkus-Konefka E, Fallowfield L J, ... & ESO-MBC Task Force. (2009). International guidelines for management of metastatic breast cancer: combination vs sequential single-agent chemotherapy. Journal of the National Cancer Institute; 101(17): 1174-1181. Find it online here

Publication Date: 02/09/2009

Project: ARIX

Simcock R, Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2009). Group acupuncture to relieve radiation induced xerostomia: a feasibility study. Acupuncture in Medicine; 27(3): 109-113. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2009

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Low R, & Mitra S. (2009). Hearing sensitivity in women following chemotherapy treatment for breast cancer: results from a pilot study. The Breast; 18(5): 279-283. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/08/2009

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2009). The clinical importance of patient adherence to therapy. Advances in Breast Cancer; 6(2): 9-12. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2009

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Hallett R, Ryan A, Burnell M, Sharma A, ... & Jacobs I. (2009). Sensitivity and specificity of multimodal and ultrasound screening for ovarian cancer, and stage distribution of detected cancers: results of the prevalence screen of the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS). The Lancet Oncology; 10(4): 327-340. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/04/2009

Project: PulMiCC

Treasure T, Fallowfield L, Farewell V, Ferry D, Lees B, Leonard P, ... & Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (PulMiCC) trial development group. (2009). Pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer: time for a trial. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO); 35(7): 686-689. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/01/2009

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V. (2009).Quality of Life Issues During Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy. In: Castiglione M, Piccart M. (eds) Adjuvant Therapy for Breast Cancer. Cancer Treatment and Research; vol 151. Springer, Boston, MA. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2009

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & George D. (2008). Introduction to the sessions on'Debate: Extended follow-up of breast cancer patients in clinic wastes time for both patients and doctors'. Breast Cancer Research; 10(4): 1-2. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/12/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2008). Psychosocial aspects of risk appraisal.Breast Cancer Research; 10(4): 1-3. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/12/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Ballinger R S, & Fallowfield L J. (2009). Quality of life and patient-reported outcomes in the older breast cancer patient. Clinical Oncology; 21(2): 140-155. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/12/2008

Project: UKCTOCS

Menon U, Gentry-Maharaj A, Ryan A, Sharma A, Burnell M, Hallett R, ... & Jacobs I. (2008). Recruitment to multicentre trials-lessons from UKCTOCS: descriptive study. BMJ; 337. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/11/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cuzick J, Sestak I, Cella D, & Fallowfield L. (2008). Treatment-emergent endocrine symptoms and the risk of breast cancer recurrence: a retrospective analysis of the ATAC trial. The Lancet Oncology; 9(12): 1143-1148. Find it online here

Publication Date: 29/10/2008

Project: Wallsall study

Ballinger R S, Mayer K F, Lawrence G, & Fallowfield L. (2008). Patients' decision-making in a UK specialist centre with high mastectomy rates. The Breast; 17(6): 574-579. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/09/2008

Project: IBIS II

Jenkins V A, Ambroisine L M, Atkins L, Cuzick J, Howell A, & Fallowfield L J. (2008). Effects of anastrozole on cognitive performance in postmenopausal women: a randomised, double-blind chemoprevention trial (IBIS II). The Lancet Oncology; 9(10): 953-961. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2008

Project: Glioma

Catt S, Chalmers A, & Fallowfield L. (2008). Psychosocial and supportive-care needs in high-grade glioma. The Lancet Oncology; 9(9): 884-891. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/08/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Arimidex T. (2008). Effect of anastrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant treatment for early-stage breast cancer: 100-month analysis of the ATAC trial. The Lancet Oncology; 9(1): 45-53.

Publication Date: 02/08/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J. (2008). Treatment decision-making in breast cancer: the patient-doctor relationship. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 112(Suppl 1): 5-13. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/06/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Smith A B, Rush R, Fallowfield L J, Velikova G, & Sharpe M. (2008). Rasch fit statistics and sample size considerations for polytomous data. BMC Medical Research Methodology; 8: 1-11. Find it online here

Publication Date: 29/05/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Lansdown M, Martin L, & Fallowfield L. (2008). Patient-physician interactions during early breast-cancer treatment: results from an international online survey. Current Medical Research and Opinion; 24(7): 1891-1904. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/05/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, & Coleman R. (2008). Which bisphosphonates do oncologists prescribe for women with metastatic breast cancer and why? Results of a UK survey. The Breast; 17(5): 459-463. Find it online here

Publication Date: 05/05/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L (2008). The Importance of Communication in Treating Women With Breast Cancer. Oncology; 22(6): 650-650. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2008). There's many a slip twixt cup and lip: adherence issues in cancer therapy. Nature Clinical Practice Oncology; 5(3): 118-119. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/01/2008

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2007) Psychosocial controversies in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research; 9 (Suppl 2): S2 Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/12/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2007). Why patient recorded outcomes should be mandatory in and outside clinical trials to guide management of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research; 9(2): 1-2. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/12/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cella D, & Fallowfield L J. (2008). Recognition and management of treatment-related side effects for breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant endocrine therapy. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 107: 167-180. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/09/2007

Project: FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire

Atkins L, & Fallowfield L J. (2007). Fallowfield's Sexual Activity Questionnaire in women with without and at risk of cancer. Menopause International; 13(3): 103-109. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/09/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Mansel R, Locker G, Fallowfield L, Benedict A, & Jones D. (2007). Cost-effectiveness analysis of anastrozole vs tamoxifen in adjuvant therapy for early stage breast cancer in the United Kingdom: the 5-year completed treatment analysis of the ATAC ('Arimidex', Tamoxifen alone or in combination) trial. British Journal of Cancer; 97(2): 152-161. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/07/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2007). Quality of life issues in relation to the aromatase inhibitor. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 106(1-5): 168-172. Find it online here

Publication Date: 24/05/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Atkins L, & Fallowfield L. (2007). Does endocrine therapy for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer affect memory and cognition? European Journal of Cancer; 43(9): 1342-1347. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/05/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Bishop J A N., Taylor T, Potts H W, Elliott F, Pinney E, Barrett J H, ... & Fallowfield L. (2007). Sun-protective behaviors in families at increased risk of melanoma. Journal of Investigative Dermatology; 127(6): 1343-1350. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/03/2007

Project: Exemestane

Coombes R C, Kilburn L S, Snowdon C F, Paridaens R, Coleman R E, Jones S E, ... & Bliss J M. (2007). Survival and safety of exemestane versus tamoxifen after 2-3 years' tamoxifen treatment (Intergroup Exemestane Study): a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet; 369(9561): 559-570. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/02/2007

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stead M L, Fallowfield L, Selby P, & Brown J M. (2007). Psychosexual function and impact of gynaecological cancer. Best Practice & Research Clinical Obstetrics & Gynaecology; 21(2): 309-320. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/12/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

European School of Oncology (ESO)-MBC Task Force. (2007). Metastatic breast cancer. Recommendations proposal from the European School of Oncology (ESO)-MBC Task Force. The Breast; 16(1): 9-10. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/12/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stephens R J, Dearnaley D P, Cowan R, Sydes M, Naylor S, Fallowfield L, & all the RT01 collaborators. (2007).. The quality of life of men with locally advanced prostate cancer during neoadjuvant hormone therapy: data from the Medical Research Council RT01 trial (ISRCTN 47772397). BJU International; 99(2): 301-310. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/11/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fleissig A, Jenkins V, Catt S, & Fallowfield L. (2006). Multidisciplinary teams in cancer care: are they effective in the UK? The Lancet Oncology; 7(11): 935-943. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/10/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V. (2006) Current Concepts of Communication Skills Training in Oncology. In: Stiefel F (ed) Communication in Cancer Care. Recent Results in Cancer Research; vol 168. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/09/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Arimidex T. (2006). Comprehensive side-effect profile of anastrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant treatment for early-stage breast cancer: long-term safety analysis of the ATAC trial. The Lancet Oncology; 7(8): 633-643. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/07/2006

Project: UKCTOCS

Sharma A, Beveridge H A, Fallowfield L J, Jacobs I J, & Menon U. (2006). Postmenopausal women undergoing transvaginal ultrasound screening prefer not to have chaperones. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology; 113(8): 954-957. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/07/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, & Jenkins V. (2007). Self-reported cognitive problems in women receiving adjuvant therapy for breast cancer. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 11(1): 6-15. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/07/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cox A C, & Fallowfield L J. (2007). After going through chemotherapy I can't see another needle. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 11(1): 43-48. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/07/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cella D, Fallowfield L, Barker P, Cuzick J, Locker G, Howell A, & ATAC Trialists' Group. (2006). Quality of life of postmenopausal women in the ATAC ("Arimidex", tamoxifen, alone or in combination) trial after completion of 5 years' adjuvant treatment for early breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 100: 273-284. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/06/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

McGurk R, Fallowfield L, & Winters Z. (2006). Information provision for patients by breast cancer teams about the side-effects of hormone treatments. European Journal of Cancer; 42(12): 1760-1767. Find it online here

Publication Date: 21/06/2006

Project: ALMANAC

Mansel R E, Fallowfield L, Kissin M, Goyal A, Newcombe R G, Dixon J M, ... & Ell P J. (2006). Randomized multicenter trial of sentinel node biopsy versus standard axillary treatment in operable breast cancer: the ALMANAC Trial. Journal of the National Cancer Institute; 98(9): 599-609. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/05/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Atkins L, & Fallowfield L. (2006). Intentional and non-intentional non-adherence to medication amongst breast cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer; 42(14): 2271-2276. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/04/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Shilling V, Deutsch G, Bloomfield D, Morris R, Allan S, ... & Winstanley J. (2006). A 3-year prospective study of the effects of adjuvant treatments on cognition in women with early stage breast cancer. British Journal of Cancer; 94(6): 828-834. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/03/2006

Project: FACT-ES - Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Endocrine Symptoms

Fallowfield L J, Bliss J M, Porter L S, Price M H, Snowdon C F, Jones S E, ... & Hall E. (2006). Quality of life in the intergroup exemestane study: a randomized trial of exemestane versus continued tamoxifen after 2 to 3 years of tamoxifen in postmenopausal women with primary breast cancer. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 24(6): 910-917. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/02/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Catt S, Fallowfield L, & Langridge C. (2006). What non-prescription treatments do UK women with breast cancer use? European Journal of Cancer Care; 15(3): 279-285. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/02/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Atkins L, Catt S, Cox A, Coxon C, Langridge C, ... & Price M. (2006). Patients' preference for administration of endocrine treatments by injection or tablets: results from a study of women with breast cancer. Annals of Oncology; 17(2): 205-210. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2006

Project: Communication and Informed Consent in Phase 1 Trials: A review of the literature

Cox A C, Fallowfield L J, & Jenkins V A. (2006). Communication and informed consent in phase 1 trials: a review of the literature. Supportive Care in Cancer; 14: 303-309. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/01/2006

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Cox A, Jenkins V, Catt S, Langridge C, & Fallowfield L. (2006). Information needs and experiences: an audit of UK cancer patients. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 10(4): 263-272. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/12/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Duric V M, Fallowfield L J, Saunders C, Houghton J, Coates A S, & Stockler M R. (2005). Patients' preferences for adjuvant endocrine therapy in early breast cancer: what makes it worthwhile? British Journal of Cancer; 93(12): 1319-1323. Find it online here

Publication Date: 06/12/2005

Project: Chemotherapy and Cognition

Shilling V, Jenkins V, & Trapala I S. (2006). The (mis) classification of chemo-fog - methodological inconsistencies in the investigation of cognitive impairment after chemotherapy. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 95: 125-129. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/10/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Catt S, Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, Langridge C, & Cox A. (2005). The informational roles and psychological health of members of 10 oncology multidisciplinary teams in the UK. British Journal of Cancer; 93(10): 1092-1097. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/10/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2005).. Acceptance of adjuvant therapy and quality of life issues. The Breast; 14(6): 612-616. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/09/2005

Project: ALMANAC

Fleissig A, Fallowfield L J, Langridge C I, Johnson L, Newcombe R G, Dixon J M, ... & Mansel R E. (2006). Post-operative arm morbidity and quality of life. Results of the ALMANAC randomised trial comparing sentinel node biopsy with standard axillary treatment in the management of patients with early breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 95: 279-293. Find it online here

Publication Date: 15/09/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Beveridge H, Low R, & Mitra S. (2006). Atypical hearing loss in women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant treatment. The Breast; 15(3): 447-450. Find it online here

Publication Date: 30/08/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, Edginton T, Payne H, & Hamilton E. (2005). Preferences of healthy men for two different endocrine treatment options offered for locally advanced prostate cancer. Current Medical Research and Opinion; 21(9): 1329-1335. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/07/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Catt S, Blanchard M, Addington-Hall J, Zis M, Blizard R, & King M. (2005). Older adults' attitudes to death, palliative treatment and hospice care. Palliative Medicine; 19(5): 402-410. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/07/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Catt S, Blanchard M, Addington-Hall J, Zis M, Blizard B, & King M. (2005). The development of a questionnaire to assess the attitudes of older people to end-of-life issues (AEOLI). Palliative Medicine; 19(5): 397-401. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/07/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V A, Bloomfield D J, Shilling V M, & Edginton T L. (2005). Does neoadjuvant hormone therapy for early prostate cancer affect cognition? Results from a pilot study. BJU International; 96(1): 48-53. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/06/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Roy R, Symonds R P, Kumar D M, Ibrahim K, Mitchell A, & Fallowfield L. (2005). The use of denial in an ethnically diverse British cancer population: a cross-sectional study. British Journal of Cancer; 92(8): 1393-1397. Find it online here

Publication Date: 05/04/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2005). Learning how to communicate in cancer settings. Supportive Care in Cancer; 13(6): 349-350. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/03/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, & Cox A. (2005). The preferences of 600 patients for different descriptions of randomisation. British Journal of Cancer; 92(5): 807-810. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/02/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, Solis-Trapala I, Langridge C, & Farewell V. (2005). Discussing randomised clinical trials of cancer therapy: evaluation of a Cancer Research UK training programme. BMJ; 330(7488): 400. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/02/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J, & Harper P. (2005). Health-related quality of life in patients undergoing drug therapy for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer; 48(3): 365-377. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/01/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Gagnon D, & Zagari M. (2005). Treating anaemia with epoetin alfa is associated with improvements in quality of life in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. Current medical research and opinion. Supplement; 21(2): S9-S11.

Publication Date: 01/01/2005

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Jenkins V, Morris R, Deutsch G, & Bloomfield D. (2005). The effects of adjuvant chemotherapy on cognition in women with breast cancer - preliminary results of an observational longitudinal study. The Breast; 14(2): 142-150. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/12/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J. (2004). Evolution of breast cancer treatments: current options and quality-of-life considerations. European Journal of Oncology Nursing; 8: S75-S82. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/12/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Cella D, Cuzick J, Francis S, Locker G, & Howell A. (2004). Quality of life of postmenopausal women in the Arimidex, Tamoxifen, Alone or in Combination (ATAC) Adjuvant Breast Cancer Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 22(21): 4261-4271. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/11/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jones M, Schenkel B, Just J, & Fallowfield L. (2004). Epoetin alfa improves quality of life in patients with cancer: results of a metaanalysis. Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer Society; 101(8): 1720-1732. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/09/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, McGurk R, & Dixon M. (2004).. Same gain, less pain: potential patient preferences for adjuvant treatment in premenopausal women with early breast cancer. European Journal of Cancer; 40(16): 2403-2410. Find it online here

Publication Date: 28/08/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Macleod U, Ross S, Fallowfield L, & Watt G C M. (2004). Anxiety and support in breast cancer: is this different for affluent and deprived women? A questionnaire study. British Journal of Cancer; 91(5): 879-883. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/07/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Sydes M R, Stephens R J, Moore A R, Aird E G, Bidmead A M, Fallowfield L J, ... & Dearnaley D P. (2004). Implementing the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) RT01 trial (ISRCTN 47772397): methods and practicalities of a randomised controlled trial of conformal radiotherapy in men with localised prostate cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology; 72(2): 199-211. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Goyal A, Newcombe R G, & Mansel R E. (2004). Sentinel lymph node biopsy in patients with multifocal breast cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO); 30(5): 475-479. Find it online here

Publication Date: 18/03/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Goyal A. Horgan K, Kissin M, Yiangou C, Sibbering M, Lansdown M, ... & Mansel R E. (2004). Sentinel lymph node biopsy in male breast cancer patients. European Journal of Surgical Oncology (EJSO); 30(5): 480-483. Find it online here

Publication Date: 16/03/2004

Project: Exemestane

Coombes R C, Hall E, Gibson L J, Paridaens R, Jassem J, Delozier T, ... & Bliss J M. (2004). A randomized trial of exemestane after two to three years of tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women with primary breast cancer. New England Journal of Medicine; 350(11): 1081-1092. Find it online here

Publication Date: 11/03/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Thomas J M, Newton-Bishop J, A'Hern R, Coombes G, Timmons M, Evans J, ... & Bliss J M. (2004). Excision margins in high-risk malignant melanoma. New England Journal of Medicine; 350(8): 757-766. Find it online here

Publication Date: 19/02/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2004). Communicating sad, bad, and difficult news in medicine. The Lancet; 363(9405): 312-319. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/01/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & Fleissig A. (2004). Communication with patients in the context of medical error. Health Care Risk Report; 10: 12-14.

Publication Date: 01/01/2004

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Porteous M, Dunckley M, Appleton S, Catt S, Dunlop M, Campbell H, & Cull A. (2003). Is it acceptable to approach colorectal cancer patients at diagnosis to discuss genetic testing? A pilot study. British Journal of Cancer; 89(8): 1400-1402. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/10/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, Farewell V, & Solis-Trapala I. (2003). Enduring impact of communication skills training: results of a 12-month follow-up. British Journal of Cancer; 89(8): 1445-1449. Find it online here

Publication Date: 14/10/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, & Howell T. (2003). The effects of hormone therapy on cognition in breast cancer. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; 86(3-5): 405-412. Find it online here

Publication Date: 09/10/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Shilling V, Fallowfield L, Howell A, & Hutton S. (2004). Does hormone therapy for the treatment of breast cancer have a detrimental effect on memory and cognition? A pilot study. Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer; 13(1): 61-66. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/06/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2003). Factors affecting patient and clinician satisfaction with the clinical consultation: can communication skills training for clinicians improve satisfaction? Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer; 12(6): 599-611. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/05/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Chapman K, Abraham C, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2003).. Lay understanding of terms used in cancer consultations. Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological, Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer; 12(6): 557-566. Find it online here

Publication Date: 25/03/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stead M L, Brown J M, Fallowfield L, & Selby P. (2003). Lack of communication between healthcare professionals and women with ovarian cancer about sexual issues. British Journal of Cancer; 88(5): 666-671. Find it online here

Publication Date: 04/03/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Hatcher M B, & Fallowfield L J. (2003). A qualitative study looking at the psychosocial implications of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy. The Breast; 12(1): 1-9. Find it online here

Publication Date: 20/02/2003

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Gagnon D, Zagari M, Cella D, Bresnahan B, Littlewood T J, ... & Freund M. (2002). Multivariate regression analyses of data from a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study confirm quality of life benefit of epoetin alfa in patients receiving non-platinum chemotherapy. British Journal of Cancer; 87(12): 1341-1353. Find it online here

Publication Date: 26/11/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, & Jenkins V. (2002). Acronymic trials: the good, the bad, and the coercive. The Lancet; 360(9346): 1622. Find it online here

Publication Date: 22/11/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2002). Quality of life: a new perspective for cancer patients. Nature Reviews Cancer; 2(11): 873-879. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/11/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Leach L, Fallowfield L, Nicholls K, & Newsham A. (2002). Describing randomisation: patients' and the public's preferences compared with clinicians' practice. British Journal of Cancer; 87(8): 854-858. Find it online here

Publication Date: 07/10/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L J, Jenkins V A, & Beveridge H A. (2002). Truth may hurt but deceit hurts more: communication in palliative care. Palliative Medicine; 16(4): 297-303. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Jenkins V, Farewell V, Saul J, Duffy A, & Eves R. (2002). Efficacy of a Cancer Research UK communication skills training model for oncologists: a randomised controlled trial. The Lancet; 359(9307): 650-656. Find it online here

Publication Date: 23/02/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2002). Can communication skills training alter physicians' beliefs and behavior in clinics? Journal of Clinical Oncology; 20(3): 765-769. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Poole K, & Fallowfield L J. (2002). The psychological impact of post-operative arm morbidity following axillary surgery for breast cancer: a critical review. The Breast; 11(1): 81-87. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Coster S, & Fallowfield L J. (2002). The impact of endocrine therapy on patients with breast cancer: a review of the literature. The Breast; 11(1): 1-12. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V M, Chetwynd A, & Rabbitt P M A. (2002). Individual inconsistency across measures of inhibition: An investigation of the construct validity of inhibition in older adults. Neuropsychologia; 40(6): 605-619. Find it online here

Publication Date: 08/01/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2002). Talking about difficult things in cancer: Do we achieve what patients need? Drugs of Today; 38: 79-88. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stead M L, Brown J M, Fallowfield L, & Selby P. (2002). Communication about sexual problems and sexual concerns in ovarian cancer: a qualitative study. Western Journal of Medicine; 176(1): 18. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2002

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Shilling V, Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, & Howell A. (2001). The effects of oestrogens and anti-oestrogens on cognition. The Breast; 10(6): 484-491. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/12/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2001). Participation of patients in decisions about treatment for cancer: desire for information is not the same as a desire to participate in decision making. BMJ; 323(7322): 1144. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/11/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L. (2001). An unmerciful end: decisions not to resuscitate must not be left to junior doctors. BMJ: British Medical Journal; 323(7321): 1131. Find it online here

Publication Date: 10/11/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Stead M L, Fallowfield L, Brown J M, & Selby P. (2001). Communication about sexual problems and sexual concerns in ovarian cancer: qualitative study. BMJ; 323(7317): 836-837. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/10/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Coster S, Poole K, & Fallowfield L J. (2001). The validation of a quality of life scale to assess the impact of arm morbidity in breast cancer patients post-operatively. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 68: 273-282. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/08/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Saul J, & Gilligan B. (2001). Teaching senior nurses how to teach communication skills in oncology. Cancer Nursing; 24(3): 185-191. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V A, Fallowfield L J, & Poole K. (2001). Are members of multidisciplinary teams in breast cancer aware of each other's informational roles? BMJ Quality & Safety; 10(2): 70-75. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/06/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Ratcliffe D, Jenkins V, & Saul J. (2001). Psychiatric morbidity and its recognition by doctors in patients with cancer. British Journal of Cancer; 84(8): 1011-1015. Find it online here

Publication Date: 17/04/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fallowfield L, Fleissig A, Edwards R, West A, Powles T J, Howell A, & Cuzick J. (2001). Tamoxifen for the prevention of breast cancer: psychosocial impact on women participating in two randomized controlled trials. Journal of Clinical Oncology; 19(7): 1885-1892. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/04/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fellowes D, Fallowfield L J, Saunders C M, & Houghton J. (2001). Tolerability of hormone therapies for breast cancer: how informative are documented symptom profiles in medical notes for 'well-tolerated' treatments? Breast Cancer Research and Treatment; 66: 73-81. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/03/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Fleissig A, Jenkins V, & Fallowfield L. (2001). Results of an intervention study to improve communication about randomised clinical trials of cancer therapy. European Journal of Cancer; 37(3): 322-331. Find it online here

Publication Date: 27/02/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Hatcher M B, Fallowfield L, & A'Hern R. (2001). The psychosocial impact of bilateral prophylactic mastectomy: prospective study using questionnaires and semistructured interviews. BMJ; 322(7278): 76. Find it online here

Publication Date: 13/01/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Jenkins V, Fallowfield L, & Saul J. (2001). Information needs of patients with cancer: results from a large study in UK cancer centres. British Journal ofCancer; 84(1): 48-51. Find it online here

Publication Date: 03/01/2001

Project: GENERAL publications etc

Rabbitt P, Lowe C, & Shilling V. (2001). Frontal tests and models for cognitive ageing. European Journal of Cognitive Psychology; 13(1-2): 5-28. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/01/2001

Project: FACT-ES - Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy - Endocrine Symptoms

Fallowfield L J, Leaity S K, Howell A, Benson S & Cella D. (1999) Assessment of quality of life in women undergoing hormonal therapy for breast cancer: Validation of an endocrine symptom subscale for the FACT-B. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 1999; 55: 189-199. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/05/1999

Project: FSAQ - Fallowfield Sexual Activity Questionnaire

Thirlaway K, Fallowfield L, & Cuzick J. (1996). The Sexual Activity Questionnaire: a measure of women's sexual functioning. Quality of Life Research; 5: 81-90. Find it online here

Publication Date: 01/02/1996

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