Adjuvant Chemotherapy in Elderly Women with breast cancer (AChEW): patients' perspectives on information giving and decision-making
Adjuvant chemotherapy in elderly women with breast cancer (AChEW): an observational study identifying MDT perceptions and barriers to decision making
Age Gap - Bridging the age gap in breast cancer; improving outcomes for older women (01/07/2015 to 30/06/2018)
Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer: Cluster randomised trial of the effects of two decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer on quality-of-life, survival, decision-quality and treatment choices
Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer: Evaluation of decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
Efficient development and usability testing of decision support interventions for older women with breast cancer
AVALPROFS - Assessing the VALue to patients of PROgression Free Survival (01/12/2012 to 11/01/2016)
Therapeutic aims of drugs offering only Progression Free Survival are misunderstood by patients, and oncologists may be overly optimistic about likely benefits
Do drugs offering only PFS maintain quality of life sufficiently from a patient's perspective? Results from AVALPROFS (Assessing the 'VALue' to patients of PROgression Free Survival) study
Hoping against hope: Are patients' expectations and understanding about
therapeutic aims of novel drugs similar to their oncologists? posters/Eposter AVALPROFS NCRI 2018.pdf
BRCA Direct - Development and piloting of a digital platform to deliver Clinically-Integrated, Clinician-Independent, Rapid, Digital, Genetic Susceptibility Biomarker Testing (01/02/2020 to 31/12/2022)
BRCA-DIRECT digital pathway for diagnostic germline genetic testing within a UK
breast oncology setting: a randomised, non-inferiority trial
Chemotherapy and Cognition - Feasibility study to examine breast cancer treatment and cognition (01/05/2013 to 21/11/2014)
The (mis)classification of chemo-fog - methodological inconsistencies in the investigation of cognitive impairment after chemotherapy
A feasibility study exploring the role of pre-operative assessment when examining the mechanism of 'chemo-brain' in breast cancer patients
Presented at St. Gallen International Breast Care Conference 2015
CU FITTER - Cancer survivors' experiences of a community-based cancer-specific exercise programme: results of an exploratory survey (01/07/2016 to 31/10/2016)
How to keep active with cancer? Cancer survivors' experiences of a tailored exercise programme CUFITTERTM: results of an explorative survey posters/BPS AC2017 Poster7660_HHarder.pdf
Presented at British Psychological Society Conference 2017
Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference 2017
DIAMOND Phase 1-4 - Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy feeding tube (01/08/2021 to 28/02/2023)
Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study) posters/Wheelwright_BAPEN2022.pdf
Presented at British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) conference 2022
'Gastrostomy Tube: Is it for Me?' Development and pilot testing of a web-based patient decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study) posters/Wheelwright_ALSMNDSympPoster2022.pdf
Presented at International Symposium on ALS/MND 2022
Presented at European Society for Medical Oncology conference 2017
Exemestane - Quality of Life in Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES) (01/02/2001 to 30/06/2007)
Survival and safety of exemestane versus tamoxifen after 2-3 years' tamoxifen treatment (Intergroup Exemestane Study): a randomised controlled trial
A Randomized Trial of Exemestane after Two to Three Years of Tamoxifen Therapy in Postmenopausal Women with Primary Breast Cancer
Patients' and their partners' views of care and treatment provided for metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer in the UK
Patients' and partners' views of treatment and care provided for metastatic castrate resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) in the UK posters/135 X 90 ESMO 2018 S CATT.pdf
Presented at European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) conference 2018
IMPACTOR - IMPact of AbemaCiclib on patienTs rOles and Responsibilities (01/09/2020 to 31/08/2023)
Early supportive interventions needed to reduce treatment burden of abemaciclib + endocrine therapy in metastatic breast cancer posters/IMPACTOR_POSTER_IPOS.pdf
Presented at IPOS 2024
IMPARTER Phase 1 - IMproving PAtient undeRstanding of GEP TEst Results (01/10/2020 to 30/09/2021)
Phase 1 of an intervention to improve understanding of gene expression profiling tests in breast cancer: which is best, a patient information film or leaflet?
An intervention to help improve understanding of gene expression profiling tests in breast cancer: Which is best, an information film or leaflet? posters/SABCSFINAL15nov21.pdf
Presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2021
Jaw Study - Quality of life & communication in orthognathic (jaw straightening) surgery (04/09/2014 to 31/03/2016)
LIMBER - LIving with Metastatic Breast CancER (01/07/2021 to 30/11/2022)
Living with Metastatic Breast cancer (LIMBER): experiences, quality of life, gaps in information, care, and support of patients in the UK
Exploring the support needs of women LIvingwith Metastatic Breast cancER: a qualitative analysis of the LIMBER survey posters/LimberQualPosterLJF.pdf
Presented at Bench to Bedside conference 2024
Option - Ovarian Protection Trial in Hormone Receptor Negative Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant or Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy (01/01/2004 to 31/12/2011)
PEATY - Perceptions and Experiences of Abemaciclib and Endocrine TherapY (15/12/2021 to 31/08/2023)
Patients' experiences of abemaciclib plus endocrine therapy (ET) in adjuvant treatment of HR+, HER2-, node-positive, high-risk, early breast cancer (EBC): a preliminary qualitative interview study posters/Fallowfield_PEATY_IPOS.pdf
Presented at IPOS 2024
PEPSIN - Psychobiological Effects of Personalised Supportive Interventions (02/05/2017 to 20/04/2018)
Patients' experiences of a suppoRtedself-manAGeMentpAThwayIn breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC): 3 month Quality of Life Results posters/NCRI2021pragmaticQoL.pdf
Presented at National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference 2021
Patient preference for subcutaneous versus intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients with early breast cancer (PrefHer study): a phase 2 randomised, multicenter, international trial
Patients' preferences for subcutaneous trastuzumab versus conventional intravenous infusion for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of 488 patients in the international, randomized, twocohort PrefHer study
Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous trastuzumab and intravenous trastuzumab as part of adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of the randomized, two-cohort PrefHer study
Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous trastuzumab and intravenous trastuzumab as part of adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early breast cancer: Final analysis of the randomised, two-cohort PrefHer study posters/PrefHer ESMO Oct 2016.pdf
Presented at European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) conference 2016
Patient Reported Outcomes in cancer, impact of Age and Carer role demands associated with Treatment (PROACT): The 'lucky' construct posters/Lucky Construct BPOS Poster.pdf
Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society (BPOS) Conference 2017
Patient Reported Outcomes in Cancer, Impact of Age and Carer Role Demands Associated with Treatment (PROACT): Phase 1 Development of Scale Items posters/PROACT ISOQOL poster 2016.pdf
Presented at International Society for Quality of Life Research Conference 2016
The Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (PulMiCC) burden of care study: Analysis of local treatments for lung metastases and systemic chemotherapy in 220 patients in the PulMiCC cohort
Current concepts: pulmonary metastasectomy for colorectal cancer
The Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer cohort study: Analysis of case selection, risk factors and survival in a prospective observational study of 512 patients
The Prospective Observational Cohort and the Nested Randomized Controlled Trial in the Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (PulMiCC Study) Question the Reliance on Existing Evidence for the Magnitude of Benefit From Lung Metastasectomy
A prospective multicentre cohort study of colorectal lung metastasectomy with a nested randomized controlled trial: the key points from the pulmonary metastasectomy in colorectal cancer study
Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society (BPOS) conference 2020
TRUSTING Workshops 2020-21 Evaluation - Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (19/11/2020 to 01/06/2022)
Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (TRUSTING): development and evaluation of an educational programme for healthcare professionals about BRCA1 & BRCA2 testing
A systematic review of communication interventions for healthcare professionals discussing genetic testing in a breast cancer setting
TRUSTING: The development of a communication program for healthcare professionals talking about risk and uncertainty of testing in genetics posters/Trusting poster.pdf
Presented at British Psycosocial Onocology Society (BPOS) conference 2021
TRUSTING Workshops 2022-23 Evaluation - Talking about Risk and UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (07/02/2023 to 31/12/2023)
Roll-out of an educational workshop to improve knowledge and self-confidence of health professionals engaged in mainstreaming of breast cancer genetics
Roll out and influence of an educational program Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (TRUSTING) posters/ASCO_TRUSTING_2024.pdf
Presented at ASCO 2024 2024
Roll out and influence on practice of the Talking about Risk, Uncertainties of Testing in Genetics (TRUSTING) educational programme posters/UKIBICSTrusting2024.pdf
Presented at UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium 2024
Trusting Workshops 2024 Evaluation - Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics - 2024 Evaluation (02/01/2024 to 01/09/2024)
UKCTOCS - United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (21/06/2000 to continuing)
Psychosocial factors associated with withdrawal from the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS) following one episode of repeat screening
Awareness of ovarian cancer risk factors, beliefs and attitudes towards screening: baseline survey of 21,715 women participating in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
Psychological morbidity associated with ovarian cancer screening: results from more than 23,000
women in the randomised trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS)
Ovarian cancer population screening and mortality after long-term follow-up in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS): a randomised controlled trial
The cost-effectiveness of screening for ovarian cancer: results from the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)
Impact on mortality and cancer incidence rates of using random invitation from population registers for recruitment to trials
Mortality impact, risks, and benefits of general population screening for ovarian cancer: the UKCTOCS randomised controlled trial
Ovarian cancer symptoms, routes to diagnosis and survival - Population cohort study in the 'no screen' arm of the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)
Sensitivity and specificity of multimodal and ultrasound screening for ovarian cancer, and stage distribution of detected cancers: results of the prevalence screen of the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)
Ovarian cancer population screening and mortality after long-term follow-up in the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening (UKCTOCS): a randomised controlled trial
Risk Algorithm Using Serial Biomarker Measurements Doubles the Number of Screen-Detected Cancers Compared With a Single-Threshold Rule in the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
Performance Characteristics of the Ultrasound Strategy during Incidence Screening in the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)
The effect of ovarian cancer screening on sexual activity and functioning: results from the UK collaborative trial of ovarian cancer screening RCT
Sensitivity of transvaginal ultrasound screening for endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women: a case-control study within the UKCTOCS cohort
Ovarian cancer symptoms in pre-clinical invasive epithelial ovarian cancer - an exploratory analysis nested within the UK Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (UKCTOCS)
Tumour stage, treatment, and survival of women with high-grade serous tubo-ovarian cancer in UKCTOCS: an exploratory analysis of a randomised controlled trial
Sexual functioning in 4,418 postmenopausal women participating in UKCTOCS: a qualitative free-text analysis 10.1097/GME.0000000000001377
Acceptance of transvaginal sonography by postmenopausal women participating in the United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening
Estimating the ovarian cancer CA-125 preclinical detectable phase, in-vivo tumout doubling time, and window for detection in early stage: an exploratory analysis of UKCTOCS
Yoga study - Evaluation of a specific yoga DVD for women following breast cancer surgery: An RCT (01/01/2008 to 31/12/2011)
Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise