Completed Studies - Publications and Other Outputs

AChEW - Attitudes to Chemotherapy in Elderly Women (01/01/2010 to 31/03/2013)
Age Gap - Bridging the age gap in breast cancer; improving outcomes for older women (01/07/2015 to 30/06/2018)
  • Publication

    Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer: Evaluation of decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer: protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial
  • Publication

    Efficient development and usability testing of decision support interventions for older women with breast cancer
  • Publication

    Bridging the Age Gap in Breast Cancer: Cluster randomised trial of the effects of two decision support interventions for older women with operable breast cancer on quality-of-life, survival, decision-quality and treatment choices
AVALPROFS - Assessing the VALue to patients of PROgression Free Survival (01/12/2012 to 11/01/2016)
BRCA Direct - Development and piloting of a digital platform to deliver Clinically-Integrated, Clinician-Independent, Rapid, Digital, Genetic Susceptibility Biomarker Testing (01/02/2020 to 31/12/2022)
Chemotherapy and Cognition - Feasibility study to examine breast cancer treatment and cognition (01/05/2013 to 21/11/2014)
CU FITTER - Cancer survivors' experiences of a community-based cancer-specific exercise programme: results of an exploratory survey (01/07/2016 to 31/10/2016)
  • Publication

    Cancer survivors' experiences of a community-based cancer-specific exercise programme: results of an exploratory survey
  • Poster

    Exercise levels and experiences of those attending CUFITTER a tailored exercise programme for people incancer recovery posters/CUFITTER BPOS poster 2017 V3.pdf
  • Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society Conference 2017
  • Poster

    How to keep active with cancer? Cancer survivors' experiences of a tailored exercise programme CUFITTERTM: results of an explorative survey posters/BPS AC2017 Poster7660_HHarder.pdf
  • Presented at British Psychological Society Conference 2017
DIAMOND Phase 1-4 - Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy feeding tube (01/08/2021 to 28/02/2023)
  • Publication

    Developing a web-based patient decision aid for gastrostomy in motor neuron disease: a study protocol
  • Publication

    Development of 'Gastrostomy tube - Is it for me?', a web-based patient decision aid for people living with motor neurone disease considering having a gastrostomy tube placed
  • Article

    Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube
  • Poster

    Development and pilot testing of a web-based decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study) posters/Wheelwright_BAPEN2022.pdf
  • Presented at British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (BAPEN) conference 2022
  • Poster

    'Gastrostomy Tube: Is it for Me?' Development and pilot testing of a web-based patient decision aid for people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study) posters/Wheelwright_ALSMNDSympPoster2022.pdf
  • Presented at International Symposium on ALS/MND 2022
  • App

    Gastrostomy tube - Is it for me?
  • Patient Information Film

    The DiAMoND study: A decision aid to support people living with MND

  • Patient Information Film

    DiAMoND study - Social Media version film
  • Presentation

    The DiAMoND decision aid: Supporting people living with motor neurone disease to make the difficult decision about having a gastrostomy tube
  • Presented at Marie Curie Research Conference 2023
  • Presentation

    Co-production and pilot testing a web-based decision aid to support people with motor neurone disease considering a gastrostomy tube (DiAMoND Study)
  • Presented at Palliative Care Congress 2023
ENDOPREDICT - Optimising decision-making about chemotherapy in breast cancer (16/07/2015 to 31/10/2016)
Exemestane - Quality of Life in Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES) (01/02/2001 to 30/06/2007)
EXPECT - Expectations and Experience of Treatment in castrate resistant prostate cancer (05/01/2015 to 04/08/2015)
Extreqol - EXperiences of TREatment and Quality Of Life of men with mCRPC (01/07/2016 to 30/06/2018)
Go-Acupro - Group acupuncture for hot flushes in prostate cancer (GO-ACUPRO): feasibility for a pragmatic RCT (07/10/2019 to 07/10/2020)
IMPACTOR - IMPact of AbemaCiclib on patienTs rOles and Responsibilities (01/09/2020 to 31/08/2023)
IMPARTER Phase 1 - IMproving PAtient undeRstanding of GEP TEst Results (01/10/2020 to 30/09/2021)
  • Publication

    Phase 1 of an intervention to improve understanding of gene expression profiling tests in breast cancer: which is best, a patient information film or leaflet?
  • Poster

    An intervention to help improve understanding of gene expression profiling tests in breast cancer: Which is best, an information film or leaflet? posters/SABCSFINAL15nov21.pdf
  • Presented at San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2021
Jaw Study - Quality of life & communication in orthognathic (jaw straightening) surgery (04/09/2014 to 31/03/2016)
LIMBER - LIving with Metastatic Breast CancER (01/07/2021 to 30/11/2022)
  • Publication

    Living with Metastatic Breast cancer (LIMBER): experiences, quality of life, gaps in information, care, and support of patients in the UK
  • Poster

    Exploring the support needs of women LIvingwith Metastatic Breast cancER: a qualitative analysis of the LIMBER survey posters/LimberQualPosterLJF.pdf
  • Presented at Bench to Bedside conference 2024
Option - Ovarian Protection Trial in Hormone Receptor Negative Premenopausal Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Adjuvant or Neo-adjuvant Chemotherapy (01/01/2004 to 31/12/2011)
PEATY - Perceptions and Experiences of Abemaciclib and Endocrine TherapY (15/12/2021 to 31/08/2023)
PEPSIN - Psychobiological Effects of Personalised Supportive Interventions (02/05/2017 to 20/04/2018)
  • Poster

    PEPSIN Psychobiological Effects of Personalised Supportive INterventions: a feasibility study posters/PEPSIN BPOS 22nd feb.pdf
  • Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society (BPOS) conference 2018
PRAGMATIC - Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (01/02/2020 to 31/03/2023)
  • Publication

    Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC): Quality of Life and Service Use Results
  • Publication

    Patients' views and experiences on the Supported Self-Management/Patient initiatied follow up pathway for breast cancer
  • Poster

    Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC) posters/NCRI2021pragmaticInterviews.pdf
  • Presented at National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference 2021
  • Poster

    Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC) posters/PRAGMATIC BPOS Poster 2020.pdf
  • Presented at British Psychosocial Oncology Society (BPOS) Conference 2020
  • Poster

    Patients' experiences of a suppoRtedself-manAGeMentpAThwayIn breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC): 3 month Quality of Life Results posters/NCRI2021pragmaticQoL.pdf
  • Presented at National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) Conference 2021
  • Presentation

    Navigating a supportive self-management pathway for breast cancer - understanding the lived experience
  • Presented at International Psyco-Oconcology Society (IPOS) World Congress 2022
  • Presentation

    The PRAGMATIC Study
  • Presented at Brighton Breast Day 2023
  • Presentation

    Patients' experiences of a suppoRted self-manAGeMent pAThway In breast Cancer (PRAGMATIC): Interview results
  • Presented at European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Conference 2022
PrefHer - Preference for Herceptin SC or IV administration (01/07/2010 to 31/12/2014)
  • Publication

    Patient preference for subcutaneous versus intravenous administration of trastuzumab in patients with early breast cancer (PrefHer study): a phase 2 randomised, multicenter, international trial
  • Publication

    Switching between intravenous and subcutaneous trastuzumab: Safety results from the PrefHer trial
  • Publication

    Patients' preferences for subcutaneous trastuzumab versus conventional intravenous infusion for the adjuvant treatment of HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of 488 patients in the international, randomized, twocohort PrefHer study
  • Publication

    Intravenous versus Subcutaneous Drug Administration. Which do Patients Prefer? A Systematic Review
  • Publication

    Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous trastuzumab and intravenous trastuzumab as part of adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early breast cancer: final analysis of the randomized, two-cohort PrefHer study
  • Publication

    Implications of subcutaneous or intravenous delivery of trastuzumab; further insight from patient interviews in the PrefHer study
  • Poster

    Reasons for patients' preferences for subcutaneous or intravenous trastuzumab in the PrefHer study posters/Fallowfield_PrefHer_Patients_ECC_poster_FINAL.pdf
  • Poster

    Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous trastuzumab and intravenous trastuzumab as part of adjuvant therapy for HER2-positive early breast cancer: Final analysis of the randomised, two-cohort PrefHer study posters/PrefHer ESMO Oct 2016.pdf
  • Presented at European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) conference 2016
  • Poster

  • Presented at St Gallen International Breast Cancer Conference 2013
  • Patient Information Film

    PrefHer Training and Information DVD
  • Patient Information Film

    Herceptin Trastuzamab
  • Patient Information Film

    PrefHer Training DVD
PROACT - Patient Reported Outcomes in cancer, impact of Age and Carer/role demands associated with Treatment (02/03/2015 to 31/08/2019)
PulMiCC - A Randomised trial of Pulmonary Metastasectomy in Colorectal Cancer (01/06/2009 to 31/03/2020)
REFLECTIONS - REmote Follow-up consultations: Lessons and Experiences during Covid-19 Time In ONcology Services (01/09/2020 to 28/02/2021)
  • Poster

    Oncologists and patients believe more training is needed in telehealth and carers and nurses need inclusion posters/NCRI2021reflections.pdf
  • Presented at National Cancer Research Institute (NCRI) conference 2021
Related - Patient related Outcome Study for Phase II Study of prophylactic octreotide (01/02/2014 to 11/04/2018)
TRUSTING Workshops 2020-21 Evaluation - Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (19/11/2020 to 01/06/2022)
  • Publication

    A systematic review of communication interventions for healthcare professionals discussing genetic testing in a breast cancer setting
  • Publication

    Using patient perspectives to inform communication training materials for health care professionals discussing BRCA mutation testing
  • Publication

    Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (TRUSTING): development and evaluation of an educational programme for healthcare professionals about BRCA1 & BRCA2 testing
  • Poster

    TRUSTING: The development of a communication program for healthcare professionals talking about risk and uncertainty of testing in genetics posters/Trusting poster.pdf
  • Presented at British Psycosocial Onocology Society (BPOS) conference 2021
TRUSTING Workshops 2022-23 Evaluation - Talking about Risk and UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (07/02/2023 to 31/12/2023)
  • Publication

    Roll-out of an educational workshop to improve knowledge and self-confidence of health professionals engaged in mainstreaming of breast cancer genetics
  • Poster

    Roll out and influence on practice of the Talking about Risk, Uncertainties of Testing in Genetics (TRUSTING) educational programme posters/UKIBICSTrusting2024.pdf
  • Presented at UK Interdisciplinary Breast Cancer Symposium 2024
  • Poster

    Roll out and influence of an educational program Talking about Risk, UncertaintieS of Testing IN Genetics (TRUSTING) posters/ASCO_TRUSTING_2024.pdf
  • Presented at ASCO 2024 2024
UKCTOCS - United Kingdom Collaborative Trial of Ovarian Cancer Screening (21/06/2000 to continuing)
Yoga study - Evaluation of a specific yoga DVD for women following breast cancer surgery: An RCT (01/01/2008 to 31/12/2011)
  • Publication

    Post-operative exercises after breast cancer surgery: results of a RCT evaluating standard care versus standard care plus additional yoga exercise
  • Publication

    Randomised controlled trials of yoga interventions for women with breast cancer: a systematic literature review
  • Patient Information Film

    Gentle Yoga Excercises Following Breast Cancer Surgery - Levels 1 - 3: Disc 1 - A guide to Postures
  • Patient Information Film

    Gentle Yoga Excercises Following Breast Cancer Surgery - Levels 1 - 3: Disc 2 - The Class